More Art You Won't Care About LOLOLOLOL.

Sep 15, 2010 19:51

Well, here's more junk. Lololol.

I failed at Jeanne's hair.  Gaaahhhh, and Pierre looks a little bland.

And this makes up for it.  Gah.  I love Pierre.  I love how adorable he is.

I think I'll blame that webcomic STARFIGHTER for this one.  I couldn't sleep for the life of me on Monday night because I kept having these weird... sort of Star Trek/Treasure Planet ideas coming into my head about space admirals and some sort of academy for star cruisers and junk like that.

So of course I have to put myself in there as an archetype/character.  Lol.   Also, 731, lol, boy am I dark.  -points if you get the reference-

This one is... aah, I love it.   From the same dream/RP in which Lexy travels through the Nine Circles of Hell.  Ehren decided to make me cry and throw Robin Hood into the circle of Greed.  Because I can't draw backgrounds or... really anything, you can't tell that Robin is pushing a pole attached to a great big wheel that the souls there have to push against ANOTHER group with a big wheel.

Dante Alighieri was cracked, I think.

Anyway, I did this during a break in Life Drawing, and omg, I'm so happy with it.  <3

Eeee, Ehren and her plushie men.  <3  That is all.

plushies, jeanne d'arc/romee, hetalia, lol lexy is a fuckin' sue, ehren, pierre deschamps, artdump, star geekout

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