Author/Artist: Me~ (
alexiel-viii.deviantart.com/ )
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Rome, America, Belgium, France, England, Italy, Lithuania, Prussia, AMELIA EARHART
Rating: G-PG13 for a nude model America. Nothing erotic.
Summary: Sketches, colored stuff from dA, FANART IN GENERAL
It's true. Good gravy, I love my Pagan Culture class. Did you know that Worcestershire Sauce is a Roman invention?
Eee, finally I draw a girl from Hetalia. Belgium is... gah, so cute.
Lol, this sketch is teeny tiny IRL. I was practicing my Life Drawing method, and Alfred just kind of... popped in there. Not sure why it wasn't France.
Who DOESN'T love the idea of the nations at Hogwarts? Seriously.
Click to see a bigger version on DA! Yeah, just expanding on the whole Hetalia x Harry Potter crossover.
A gift for a friend. Prussia will use any excuse to drink in celebration.
Poor, poor Lietuva.
I ship this friendship so hard. America and Amelia Earhart. AIRPLANE LOVE~!