Half a year ago my toilet seat broke down. I asked my landlord, but this seemed to be something I had to replace myself and pay for myself. So I did.
Two weeks ago I noticed that my toilet seat was lopsided. It turned out that one of the (two) rubber rings had broken/torn. So I went to a hardware store and asked for a replacement. They referred me to the store where I had bought the toilet seat. Luckily, I remembered where I had bought it.
Last Saturday I went to the store where I had bought the toilet seat. I looked for the right isle, but no rubber ring. I asked at the information desk; one lady referred me to isle 27. I went there; no rubber ring. I went back and asked again. A woman from the information desk walked me to isle 27 and could not locate an appropriate rubber ring. She asked a collegue to help out. He could not find it either. He asked another colleague who works in the storehouse. No rubber ring. By now, the people in the store had established beyond any doubt that they don't carry spare parts for a toilet seat they sell. *Aargh*.
So they referred me to another store which would be only two minutes away. I went there. This store carries lots of parts. I asked for the rubber ring. I showed both the broken and the whole one. They did not have it. The guy said that if I knew the brand of the toilet seat they might be able to order the part. But only for certain brands. For some brands they were not allowed to provide parts for. By that time I had no time left for shopping. I might have a ticket at home stating the brand, or I might have thrown it away... I asked for their phone number, so that I could phone them and ask whether they would be able to order the part or not.
I went home and looked. No ticket. But now I realise there is one place where I haven't looked at yet. *Hmm*
Given my plans for aikido and SM and opening hours of shops it will take at least several weeks before I can come near a shop and try again. Unless, I manage some time between traveling on a work day next Wednesday. I kind of doubt that there will be much time left and I doubt even more that I can find two identical rubber rings which I can use to improvise a repair.
P.s. I did have a migraine attack which started at Thurday afternoon May 11 and ended Sunday afternoon May 14. And yes, the migraine attack was brought on by my period.