
Apr 30, 2006 11:47

this week is going to be miserable. it hasnt really hit me until right now. 3AP's. 2 SAT II's, BB&N Invitational, the stress of crew practice, erg testing on tuesday (SHIT i forgot about that). my life is overloaded with too many things that i dont even know what classes i have to go to next week. and then im taking the lit sat 2 which i dont even ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

howsilly April 30 2006, 17:27:39 UTC
I remember this week well from last year.

alex breaaathhee you WILL be able to row in college, i guarantee it. The lit sat II is like reading comprehension...you should be fine after bbn english. no need to study or fret.

plus you get to row everyday. think how miserable this week would be if you didnt have crew to look forward to ;)


la_revolution April 30 2006, 22:37:21 UTC
I second Mary's comment and also APs can't hurt you...and they also can't really ever help you, so although sitting in a room for 3 hours is semi unpleasant, you don't have to go to your other classes!


alexistheshit April 30 2006, 23:07:36 UTC
i know aps dont count....im not really worried about those. its just something else to add to my list of things to do or study for. i have been on the verge of a breakdown all day long. like even reading these things makes me want to cry. and i still havent figured out if i want to take the lit yet or the math and its driving me insane. but thanks


sko6502 May 1 2006, 01:33:04 UTC
if you're signed up for SAT IIs this weekend and don't know what to take, might i recommend the U.S. History? I took that in May last year and it was nice because it was just a day or two after the AP so i only had to study once for the two tests. You could do that and just take the lit or the math later (say, in june) when you'll have more time to prepare for them without feeling so pressed.


alexistheshit May 1 2006, 10:56:06 UTC
yeah i am taking us history...i just cant decide between math or lit...i think im going to end up going with lit. thanks for your suggestion


hoopsies May 1 2006, 03:12:54 UTC
next sunday, when this week is done, we will go to the relax and renew session at baptiste and all will be well.


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