Title: Dean Winchester, Patron Saint: Wizard of Oz, Suck It! Author: alexjanna91 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean, Alfie(Samandriel), [Spoiler (click to open)]Hester Series: Apple Pie Life Rating: PG-PG13 Genre: AU post-Season 5 Word Count: 5,728 Warning: Powers!Dean, BAMF!Dean, Angels, true forms, panic attacks, kids Summary: He did not sign up for derailing angelic mental
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hi, i read all the arc on this story and im completely hooked on it. i usually dont read gen fics,i like Dean/Sam fics better; but i really liked this one, i like the way Dean is with the kids and know he would be an AWESOME father. alos im dying to know what is happening to Dean. Awesome job, keep going. Cheers.
P.S: is there any chance of this one becomming a Dean/Sam story, with Top!Dean of course?? >.<
Thanks a ton. Glad I could reel you in on my hook like a fish. *evil laugh*. Sadly, there will be no Sam/Dean in this fic. I love me some wincest as much as the next girl with a guilty pleasure, but this fic will be morally ambiguous love free. To soften the blow I am planning on some of their epic brotherly love for later in the story.
Comments 8
Dean, the Angel Whisperer!!!!
Dean: *whisper, whisper, whisper*
Angel: *sits, lays down, rolls over*
i usually dont read gen fics,i like Dean/Sam fics better; but i really liked this one, i like the way Dean is with the kids and know he would be an AWESOME father.
alos im dying to know what is happening to Dean.
Awesome job, keep going. Cheers.
P.S: is there any chance of this one becomming a Dean/Sam story, with Top!Dean of course?? >.<
Sadly, there will be no Sam/Dean in this fic. I love me some wincest as much as the next girl with a guilty pleasure, but this fic will be morally ambiguous love free.
To soften the blow I am planning on some of their epic brotherly love for later in the story.
Awesome! So many new stories to read!
And poor angels - so confused and lost. Dean going all big brother on them is perfect. :)
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