Title: Dean Winchester, Patron Saint: Going Legit… Sort of Author: alexjanna91 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean, Det. Hart (OC) Series: Apple Pie Life Rating: PG Genre: AU-Canon Divergent Post-S05 Word Count: 1,406 Warning: Disregard of gun control laws, reference to illegal activities Summary: Det. Hart’s already working on an ulcer from
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Title: Dean Winchester, Patron Saint: Weekend at Dean’s Pt. 2 Author: alexjanna91 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean, Bobby, Crowley, Alfie Series: Apple Pie Life Rating: PG-PG13 Genre: AU-Canon Divergence Post-Season 5 Word Count: 5,439 Warning: BAMF Dean, Powers Dean, Major Injury, Allusions to events in S06 and S09 Summary: Crowley is the
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Title: Dean Winchester, Patron Saint: Weekend at Dean’s pt.1 Author: alexjanna91 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean, Bobby Series: Apple Pie Life Rating: PG-PG13 Genre: AU-Canon Divergence Post-Season 5 Word Count: 8,630 Warning: BAMF Dean, Parental Dean, kids, Allusions to Season 6 Summary: Bobby had been having a hell of a night, but when a phone
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Title: Dean Winchester, Patron Saint: Holy Rolling Stoner Author: alexjanna91 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean, [Spoiler]Inias Series: Apple Pie Life Rating: PG-PG13 Genre: AU Post-Season 5 Word Count: 6,787 Warning: BAMF!Dean, Parental!Dean, kids, kids in dangers, serial killer, angels, true form Summary: Dean really shouldn’t have been surprised that a
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Title: Dean Winchester, Patron Saint: Wizard of Oz, Suck It! Author: alexjanna91 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean, Alfie(Samandriel), [Spoiler (click to open)]Hester Series: Apple Pie Life Rating: PG-PG13 Genre: AU post-Season 5 Word Count: 5,728 Warning: Powers!Dean, BAMF!Dean, Angels, true forms, panic attacks, kids Summary: He did not sign up for derailing angelic mental
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Title: Devil Went Down in Kansas Author: alexjanna91 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, Michael, Lucifer Rating: PG13 Genre: 5.22 Swan Song AU Disclaimer: SPN is not mine. Word Count: 5,700 Warning: demon deals, apocalypse, temporary character death Summary: It was a Hail Mary. Crazy brilliant and nearly impossible to pull
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Title: Dean’s Adventures in Babysitting: Rock Salt 101 Author: alexjanna91 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean, Ben, past Dean/Lisa, [Spoiler]Samandriel Series: Apple Pie Life Rating: PG-PG13 Genre: Gen, AU post-Season 5 Word Count: 7,788 give or take Warning: kids, Bamf!Dean, Protective Dean, Parental!Dean, angels Summary: He was crazy, totally certifiable
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Title: Dean’s Adventures in Babysitting: Angels Watching Over You Author: alexjanna91 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Castiel, Dean, (past) Dean/Lisa Series: Apple Pie Life Rating: PG-PG13 Genre: Gen, Post-Season 5 Word Count: 3,596 Warning: allusions to child predators, violence against children, domestic abuse, monster of the week, angels Summary: While Cas
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