So I've been thinking a lot about
this prompt on the b_e anon meme - are we allowed to talk about prompts? I guess so, this isn't fight club I think, also it's not really an 'I claaaaiiimm thiissssss you guiz' thing*, so I can't see it being a drastic problem. (also I think maybe
aralias did it once and she's like, one of the pillars of fandom, so it's
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Comments 3
also, i love stupid AUs, and i would love the six/ainley one the best, omg! yes, perhaps you should write it. or draw it - i was thinking, actually, about the five masters one and thinking 'i would like to do this as a graphic novel' and then i thought 'but i can't draw', but i think there should be more comic strip type deals, and the six as a mime thing is brilliant and visual.
did i say i love silly AUs and this one in particular? yes.
also, the anon meme is mostly un-anon, and that is the truth.
Also: Talking about prompts, oh yes let's.
Because oh gosh, that one about 6 and Ainley and 6 having a totally weird hobby would be AMAZING!!
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