Does CLean Installer really think the nose glow is eye color? (Morgan) And the freckles are an eyebrow? (Marty) Also, the rensim bits have always been blushes in my game, not costume makeup, so did you recategorize them, or is Clean Installer just fickle?
Of course I love these guys and I'm downloading them in the morning (I'm up too late right now).
About the seamed skin -- almost all of the skins in my game look like that in Bodyshop with most of the hairs I use, but they seem to be fine in game. Or at least in CAS.
And the reason I haven't shown you what I've done with the other sims I downloaded is I'm not happy with what I've done, so far.
Nah, clean installer's insane. (I think I just chop off that part of the description in previews now. And if I don't, I should. It's useless and wrong.)
Thank you!
I happen to know that particular skin is messed up. Because it's mine. Hee hee hee... someday I'll get around to fixing that.
Fair enough! I totally understand that feeling. Whenever you get around to it. :)
Specifically, I'm still getting weird crude lumps that don't look like that in bodyshop. I really think that the faces get changed in saving -- simplified, maybe. I am sure that the eyes get enlarged in saving, and maybe that's what's distorting my faces after I think I have them right. And then again, I know the lighting's all weird in bodyshop -- it glares, and some of the detail gets washed out -- so maybe I'm just not seeing well enough to know what I'm doing.
They do get changed a little, yeah. But it generally isn't that noticeable. The only thing I can think is if you don't have Sim detail set to high. But then you'd have seen issues with many of my sims too.
If you turn the sim slightly, and use F3 you can put the face in a little more shadow. You're aware of F3, right? That's a real help.
I don't know, can you take a screenshot? Maybe I can help.
Ooh, gotta say I love Mort. He's so pretty with the fuzzy & big blue eyes. They've all got great facial structures - strong but not...over the top, say. Makes them very real. And certainly a great range in features as well. Lovely sims, snagging them all because I can't help myself :)
Mort looks like my brother. We have some Irish blood, but on my trip to Wales I saw lots of people who look like him, so I tease him that he looks Welsh. (nothing against the Welsh, I'm American, so have no prejudices against them)
Comments 15
gonna use them *grin*
Of course I love these guys and I'm downloading them in the morning (I'm up too late right now).
About the seamed skin -- almost all of the skins in my game look like that in Bodyshop with most of the hairs I use, but they seem to be fine in game. Or at least in CAS.
And the reason I haven't shown you what I've done with the other sims I downloaded is I'm not happy with what I've done, so far.
Thank you!
I happen to know that particular skin is messed up. Because it's mine. Hee hee hee... someday I'll get around to fixing that.
Fair enough! I totally understand that feeling. Whenever you get around to it. :)
If you turn the sim slightly, and use F3 you can put the face in a little more shadow. You're aware of F3, right? That's a real help.
I don't know, can you take a screenshot? Maybe I can help.
They've all got great facial structures - strong but not...over the top, say. Makes them very real. And certainly a great range in features as well. Lovely sims, snagging them all because I can't help myself :)
(Also American, I'm missing out on a lot of history in that region.)
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