event seventeen | year of the moon rabbit

Feb 04, 2011 15:01

CHARACTERS | Everyone!
DATE | Feb 3-9th
SUMMARY | It's Chinese New Years, and in The World it's the year of the moon rabbit!

LOG | ( gong xi fa cai! )

(.hack//g.u.) silabus, (okami) amaterasu, #open, (homestuck) jade harley, (alive) yuuta takizawa, (tegami bachi) gauche suede, !event

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Comments 18

illuminatism February 5 2011, 06:23:52 UTC
Amaterasu had taken to spending time looking through each Root Town, taking in the sights and sounds, before planting herself in Dol Dona. It was nice to see The World so festive once again; all colorful and lively and full of celebration. While she did enjoy seeing the others in this world enjoying themselves during these events, what was the best to see was the NPCs enjoying the events as well.

And since this is a new year? It meant a new outfit to wear; seeing it in the specialty shop had come at a pleasant surprise.

But at the moment? Amaterasu is leaning against the wall to the left of the item shop with a bowl of dumplings and mandarin oranges in one hand and a Taro cake in her mouth. She's just there. Stuffing her face. Enjoying the food and atmosphere.


oh look it's gauche... who would've ever... guessed.... alwaysdelivers February 8 2011, 12:44:20 UTC
It was difficult to miss the bright yukata and that white hair. While the holiday itself was lost on the letter bee, he could appreciate the atmosphere and food. A bit of haggling managed to get him a sample platter of all the food and he took a seat next to Amaterasu, smiling.

"I don't suppose you know what everyone's celebrating, do you?"


oh my... gauche! this is quite a surprise. illuminatism February 10 2011, 20:11:53 UTC
She had just been getting ready to grab something to drink with her free hand when Gauche appeared. She tilts her head a little as she returns the smile with one of her own.

Her head tilts at his question and Amaterasu breathes out a small "hmm".

Did she know? Well, yes, of course she knew; even if it was something that she had never really taken part in, due to her duties. She gives a nod of her head as she drops to a knee and writes in the dirt with her finger: Chinese New Year.


yes no one was expecting this at all alwaysdelivers February 13 2011, 10:34:42 UTC
Gauche sat back on his haunches next to her, watching as she wrote in the dirt. "Oh? Another new year celebration, is it? How nice! Although I don't see why we'd need two of them."

He picked one of the jiao zi from the plate and took a small bite, wary of the steam coming off it. After a few thoughtful bites and people-watching, he turned to Amaterasu and motioned to her new outfit. "You look nice for the occasion. Is that new?"


ironlass February 5 2011, 16:15:11 UTC
[ Jade had taken to hanging about in Lumina Cloth for the festival. It was so bright and maybe just a little overwhelming for the former islander. She never really took part in any festivities. Just sat and watched from her computer. But now she was taking advantage. Specifically by walking by the parades to watch the dragon dances.

Pester her?]


finalisolation February 7 2011, 00:18:18 UTC
Despite the fact that there had been a couple dragon dances already, they still drew large crowds whenever one occurred. Once again, Yuuta was late and so he was stuck at the back of the crowd. Worse yet, being ten, he was much shorter than anyone else around him. Not wanting to wait, but not wanting to be rude and budging either, he proceeded to jump in hopes of being able to see past the ridiculous amounts of Tall People.

After several unsuccessful attempts at jumping and trying to peer past the crowd, the boy resolved that if he couldn't see the spectacle by being nice he might as well change his approach. As in worm his way through the people that were obscuring him. So Yuuta began pushing through the bodies, trying to get to the front.

Hopefully, no one would get too mad.


/LEAPS ON YUUTA smilesforfree February 8 2011, 12:28:52 UTC
Silabus was never one to get mad, but he was fairly startled as the boy pushed past him at the front! He turned, surprised, but instantly lit up.

"Ah, Yuuta was it? I haven't seen you around in quite a while! Did you come to watch the Dragon Dance as well?"


OHAI THAR finalisolation February 10 2011, 04:42:44 UTC
Yuuta turned around at hearing his name and was pleasantly surprised at seeing someone familiar. "Silabus-nii!" Because Silabus was nice and nice people get suffixes.

"Yeah, but I can't really see that well from the back."


HEY SUP 8) smilesforfree February 13 2011, 10:46:15 UTC
"Haha, yeah. It's drawn quite a crowd! I only caught a glimpse of the end of the last one, and managed to make my way near the front. Should we try a little closer? I've never seen a real dragon dance before!"

He spotted an opening, for a brief moment, and took Yuuta's arm to pull him along behind him with a loose grip. It was a larger NPC that shifted his stance, creating just enough room to squeeze on by. Polite as always, despite the NPCs, Silabus uttered a quick "Excuse us, excuse us!"


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