TW: pet death
I had to have my fourteen-year-old cat Willow put to sleep today. She was diagnosed with stomach cancer back in the spring, and it has advanced relentlessly despite all the medicine her vet and I could throw at it. In the past three weeks she had lost a full pound and rapidly become severely anemic, and this weekend I could tell that she was just tired and ready for it all to end. Now, of course, I'm second-guessing myself like crazy - did I offer her food often enough? Was there something else I could have offered her that she would have eaten better? Was I getting all her medicine in her even though she struggled? Did her fall off the kitchen counter and rather hard landing last week give her an injury that caused or accelerated the anemia? I'm trying really hard not to dwell on this kind of stuff and just focus on having loved her and done the very best I could to take care of her.
I'm going to miss her *so much*. I've had her and her brother, Xander (who is thankfully still as healthy as a horse, and roughly the size of a small one) since they were kittens no more than 8 weeks old. We've been through a lot together. I can already tell it will be a while before I stop expecting to see her in all her favorite places in my condo, or feel her jump into bed with me at night.
Losing a pet sucks.