
Jul 05, 2005 18:29

Well, I just had probably one of the worse weeks of my entire life! (Well, ok Thursday is the worse but some of the others aren't to great either) having Josh with me pretty much the entire time made me feel so much better! =)

If you wanna hear about it, click here if not, don't read.

I'll start w/ Thursday since that's where it got bad. Mom woke me up around 8 and we left here around 8:30. We got to the oral surgen about 15 til 10. Mom signed me in & I had to wait about 10 minutes and they called me in. My nervousness went away once I was in the chair. She took my blood pressure and hooked me up to a IV. She talked to me a little. The last thing I remember was her saying "In a few minutes you should feel really calm & then he'll come in and put more in & you'll fall asleep" I don't even remember him doing anything to me. The next thing I remember (which I don't remember to well) was about two hours later, mom & I were at Dairy Queen. They told her to take me there & get me some icecream so I could take my medicine. Then I fell asleep & I remember waking up staggering down the sidewalk. Mom called Josh & asked him to come sit with me while she went to town to make my medicine. I guess I slept til she came home then he fed me & I went back to sleep. I tried to eat but I ended up throwing up five times! Josh left for a while to lift then came back & stayed w/ me til he talked me into going to bed.

Friday, I got up early.. it was around 8. I tried eating but not much luck. Mom was sick then too so we had a rough morning sleeping & trying take care of one another. Josh came down & stayed w/ me a while =)

Saturday was the same as Friday but I didn't see my babe all day =/ He started work! I'm so proud of him. He works at the movies now. I think I cried Saturday because I didn't think the swelling was ever going to go down!

Sunday, was the same as the others.. trying eat.. sleeping a lot.. laying round a lot & Josh came down til he had to go to work.

Yesterday was mine & Josh' 4 month anniversary! =) We didn't get to do to much of anything because we both had to work but before I went in, I went to see him & he took his break & we went to Hardees but of course I just sat there =/ Then I went on to work it wasn't to bad but it wasn't where I wanted to be. He was going let me out earlier than he did but people kept coming in. I finally got outta there around 8:30. Then I went to the movies and sat w/ Josh a while til he got off then he got me some icecream b/c I was hungry but couldn't eat much then we came here. We were going go out & celebrate our anniversary tomorrow but I think we're going to Sunday now.. hopefully I'll be completly better by then!

Today I was feeling a lot better this morning but now I don't at all. We went & saw "War of the Worlds" which was pretty good. Then we went to Taco Bell & yes I ate the most I have in a week =) I thought I had lettuce stuck in my teeth so I tried getting it out but it was really my stich so now I am in pain again! I'm going to go take me some more medicine here in a second I believe.

I'm sitten here now talking to Leigh & Derek. She's bored & we miss each other.. even though I don't feel to wonderful, I wanna do something w/ her because she's usually always busy! But I'm going end this now & take some more medicine. And either lay down or hang out w/ her for a while.

I hope everyone had a good 4th

I probably won't update this for a while. I don't get on to much b/c I'm always w/ my babe.. sleeping or working. And since he works now, out time will be cut in half =/

Leave me some love
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