i'm not sure. If you are going to use it in the long-term, then why not buy it? But if you're going use it only once then, it's not really worth it. Is it something you reallly want thomas? Like not just a phase?
It's never too late to prepare, i hope u do mighty well :)
Yes I'll really use it, or at least I think so. But I think I'm gonna wait a little bit before buying it since I spend a lot of money lately and my banker isn't going to be happy if I buy it.
Also, 'til then my exams went pretty well, thank you ;)
Si t'aimes dessiner tu devrais en prendre une ^^ Peut être peux tu déjà voir si dans ton entourage quelqu'un en a une, histoire de tester et voir si çà te fait vraiment envie ou non ;) L'attrait du neuf sera amoindri comme çà ;)
Comments 7
It's never too late to prepare, i hope u do mighty well :)
Also, 'til then my exams went pretty well, thank you ;)
YAY!!!!!!!! :)
Voilà, sinon bonne chance pour les exams !
Sinon pour le moment dans mon entourage je connais personne qui en a une mais bon ça, on sait jamais ça peut toujours changer :D
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