uh oh! i'm addicted to youtube. this is what people who quit their jobs do i guess. either that or spend all their monies at reggae night. je ne sais pas :)
muthafuckin yyeaahh. 75% of the crew has departed for evolve in the mad-o wag-o and the other 25% anke and i are going to depart par pied in the coming hour. now, if we don't return i've bequeathed most of my things to those who called dibs but in any event it's first come first serve. ok i love you all we'll see you soooon:)
ahahahahahaaa!! so over the last three months i used on average 824 daytime minutes.hollyy shit. no wonder the cell bill is $350. as well, ALL of my credits transferred!!! wahooo! no lame writing credits for me!! ok more later.wowoo