Most Beloved and I went to see "Eclipse" over the weekend, and (as with "New Moon") I do not have a review, just some commentary. It's past my bedtime, so this may be a bit odder than usual. Still, if you wish to suffer them,
- No, Taylor Lautner does not own a shirt. I do not think this bothers anyone.
- OK, it kinda bothers me. He just looks like a very pretty baby.
- Dear Mr. Pattinson, this applies to you, too. The pretty baby. Not the shirt.
- Still with the perfect Victoria hair. Go Team Victoria! (Why is no one else cheering?)
OK, actual movie review: I had forgotten most of what happened in this book, so the movie worked well for me. Most Beloved is in favor of cutting the last several minutes, and I concur.
The best actor here - the gent playing Charlie Swann, by far.