I haven't written anything HP in ages, but I wrote this poem a while ago and figured I'd share it. I posted it on a poetry thread in my VHS course started by the wonderful Eddy, but I want to post it because, frankly, I really like it.
Okay, so it needs a few notes, and those are basically that I don't mean to offend anyone. I was raised Catholic, and it's probably because of the CCD and church and biology in my life that I've rebeled against the Catholic beliefs. Anyway, this poem was completely inspired by watching a bunch of biblical history programs on National Geographic and The History International channel, and by an article in Time magazine about the origins of the universe. (The hydrogen from the Dark Ages being the reason we don't know the origin after Big Bang; I didn't quite understand the science, so the hydrogen either should or shouldn't be ionized, although I think I'm right with what I said).
Longer notes than anticipated, but without further adieu, my poem! And again, I don't think I'm going to get the format correctly. *am computer illiterate*
The sky cries
giving back all it received
A solemn cold requiem
of pure water
and blue sky
subatomic particles
birthed into existence from nothing.
but empty space that fills itself with space itself,
stretching into nothingness that ceases to exist.
Liturgy spewed across dusty volumes,
forgotten on pillars of salt,
spreads its acid that eats the soul
and steeples the fingers in prayer.
The whisper of rain drowns the world
(wooden ark
white dove)
pleads for redemption from heat and light
and the Sin that brings tears to its eyes.
For all that is clouded by ionized hydrogen, the sky cries.