Recaps of Old Radio Shows Part 2

Mar 26, 2012 23:18

So as promised here are more recaps of old radio appearances. This time I put more effort and made them more detailed. And needless to say I really appreciate feedback.

Beat Shuffle [2011-02-04 ] [Shou&Hiroto]

As it often is nothing interesting happens during the first 20 minutes of the show. But the latter half had some moments. They talked about physical training and the host was quite surprised to hear Shou does running. Then Hiroto said he often runs p to 7 km and the host was just shocked.
Since this happened just before Valentine's there was a question about interesting stories that happened to them on that day. Note: in Japan it's girls who are supposed to confess on this day. Shou said there's not much to tell. I couldn't quite catch it but he mentioned some girl from middle school who seemed to like him but nothing came out of it. Hiroto on the other hand had quite an interesting story. He told how one time in middle school he got chocolate from a boy. Basically he didn't know what to do but he was glad. All the while Shou had a mysterious smile on or maybe I'm just looking into things too much.
And then there was art...

Shou and Saga at NEC POWER COUNTDOWN [Shou&Saga] [2009-08-08]

This is a true must for SagaxShou shippers.

At first they talk about Hana and their 5th Anniversary. Saga said it's sad how fast the years fly by. Then the host asks them about their first impressions of each other. Now this is fun. Shou wrote: "Like a forest elf" He then proceeds to explain that the first time they met Saga had blond hair and a very pale skin and he looked very unusual walking in the middle of Tokyo. the host was very excited "an elf living in Tokyo!" Saga wrote about Shou: "His eyes are HUGE!" Saga explained that at that time Visual Kei was popular and everyone in bands tried to make their eyes look bigger putting a lot of make-up on but here was a person who didn't need that. The host asked whether they wear make-up now and Saga said "of course not". then the host said that when you watch the PV you can feel that Shou's gaze is incredible (Shou was like No no!) and probably makes girls fall down and Saga says: "yes, it does!" Then the next segment came. The host said they filled oou a questionnaire before the show and there was a question "something I worry about" Shou wrote "There's a fine line between genius and..." He said Saga can seem very cool but he's actually very weird. He told about that time when Saga ate from an ashtray. He said there are too many stories and he can't tell all of them but he often wonders: can this person be a genius acting like that?) Saga wrote "I don't get enough of your love" Saga complained that during the tour Shou keeps hanging out with Hiroto and "I can't forgive him! Why is he always with Hiroto?" Shou said: "I'm glad hearing this." Then there were user messages. One person wrote that in the Hana PV there's a part where Saga murmurs something into Shou's ear so she was dying to know what he said. The host asked whether he just pretended to say something but Saga said he did say something for real. Unsurprisingly he then said he really can't say what it was. That young girls in their 10's shouldn't hear that kind of things. The host asked: "what about the men in their 50's?" and Saga replied: "well, they actually might be happy to hear it!" XD So the host said they want to leave it to our imagination. Then they talked a little about Alice in Museum. Shou said "there you can find our EVERYTHING. Saga's everything too." and Saga quickly added "my underpants are there too!"XD They also mention that the Artist Book comes out which was directed by Shou and has Saga semi-naked! Host teased: "maybe you should do full nude?" but Saga was like: "full nude is a bit..."

Hiroto & Shou at POWER COUNTDOWN JAPAN HOT 30 [BayFM] [2011-09-03]

This show was pretty standard but Shou looks so charming here it's totally worth watching just for that. So as usual at first they talk about their latest release - Heart of Gold and its meaning. Basically Shou says its main message is "be strong", that it's a song meant to raise people's spirits. They talk about how this single is different from anything they released before. Hiroto says the guitar parts are very difficult and since they haven't played the news songs live yet he's worried. The host asks whether they have this kind of problem - writing songs and then worrying how to play them live. Hiroto tells about GEMINI. Like how they were worried "what are we going to do about plying it at concerts?" Then they play Ray and after that discus how listening to it you can feel sort of entering the World of Alice Nine. Then the host announces a topic and it's basically something that they tried and it turned out different to their expectations. Shou said he wanted to try letting his hair grow longer like Hyde but he thought it doesn't look good on him and he gave up on it and cut it. Just as he said it the host asked if it's ok if he tells his opinion and said: "it suits you!" (current hairstyle I guess) My heart beats faster. Oh, I'm sorry." XD Hiroto said he really likes Luna Sea's Inoran and Inoran is usually standing on the left side of stage while he stands on the right. So basically he wanted to try standing on the left side but in the end he felt, like "As expected, I'm a right-sider") They introduce the last song and it's basically it.


The host noted their fashion sense and Saga said: "We became a garage band, all black and leather. But I look like a university student." Then they play Cross Game. after the host noted how varied their songs are and they said they try to go wherever their music takes them without limiting their style. The host then asked that there still has to be some regulation of which song would be good to be a single and which wouldn't and Tora said that basically they gather together and decide on that.
Then there were question from listeners. One person asked about the katana Shou had in the PV and he answered that he wanted to represent struggle, fighting which comes with the song's message. The host said since they mentioned the PV he heard that Nao had a really hard time filming it. Nao said rather than that there was something he wanted everyone to notice. In the PV he was wearing the headphones and they were glittering. He said he spent the previous night decorating them. The host asked: "So they're hand-made?" Nao said yes. The host asked whether it was his hobby to do that kind of stuff and Nao said not really, he just generally likes shiny things.) Then the host also asked something about the filming. Like when you do the recording you don't care how you look but when you film the PV is it OK to treat it lightly? And Nao said of course not and then added facing the audience: "Don't take things lightly, everyone! Do your best in your life!"))

Then there was the keyword talk. The host said a word and they had to choose a member it suits best. The word was "taciturn". Shou said it may be said about him and Hiroto but in reality Hiroto isn't taciturn, he's sexy. So the host asked Hiroto "so you're not taciturn or uncommunicative?" and Hiroto replied: "No, I'm open, open-minded!" then the 'sexy' came up again and Shou said lately Saga often says it about Hiroto. Saga said that even though everyone says he's the sexy one in the band, in reality it's Hiroto. The host then asked what about him is sexy so Saga told how that summer they had a tour and at one of the gigs they did MCing and he... at this point Tora interrupted saying "this is a live broadcast so we won't be able to cut out this part if you say something inappropriate" so the host asked Saga if it was the case and Saga said it was so they had to end it there.

Then they resumed answering the questions sent by the listeners. One girl asked whether there are times when they dance by themselves. Tora said: "Not really. But I can say about myself that I look rather manly yet I cry watching anime." The host asked: "Quite a lot?" Tora said: "Yeah. I cry easily" Then the host proceeded to tease Tora saying he has a manly voice and it would be weird to hear him weeping and Tora was like "it's not to that extent!" Then there was a message to Saga and the host read it with feeling and it was funny since it was along the lines of: "Saga-san is too sexy! It's scary!" Saga asked: "and that's it?")) The message also said "Please update your blog" and Saga was, like: "I get it. I'll do it starting from today."
Next topic was forgetting things and the host asked them if they had something to tell. Tora asked who wanted to go first and since nobody did he began himself. He said one thing he keeps losing is glasses, he said he loses one pair every month. He told how he buys them at the same store and every time he comes the old lady there goes: "You lost them again?!")) Saga said he often forgets to set up the alarm clock. So the host asked: "so you often oversleep?" but Saga said: "No. It's other people's fault!" Then the host asked "the person who likes making things, Nao" and Nao answered he doesn't really forget things but he sometimes forgets about evening meals. Then the host asked "Sexy Hiroto-san")) Hiroto said as they were filming PV he was supposed to hold a guitar but he actually left it home. Luckily there was time so he want back to take it. But he said he was shocked himself since it doesn't normally happen. He practically sleeps with it so he doesn't know how that could happen. Shou said he dropped his house keys and that was it.

I also want to add that when I first watched it this whole show gave me a strong impression that if they were to change a leader is should be Tora. He simply acted like one. Like he would answer a question nobody else wanted to, he would correct a host when the latter made a mistake reading an announcement and he would also control what his band mates were saying. So I was kind of surprised to know he declined the position.

This one took a long time... Hope you enjoyed it.


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