(no subject)

Jul 09, 2012 14:06

I'm alive???

Hi, I know it's been ages. The past few weeks have mostly been taken up by me alternatively working and freaking out about Iceland. My residency permit application is out of my hands, at this point. Banks were fucking ridiculous, there was a lot of running around and last-minute panicking, the postal service was at first decidedly unhelpful but actually really good, and the envelope reached the Directorate before the due date, so all's well that ends well, I suppose.

Now I just have to hope that they actually grant me a permit.

Housing is still not looking good, but a lot of people from the program still don't have housing, either, so it's not a catastrophe yet. I'm just starting to get antsy about it again, though, after a week of yes-okay-breathe-your-permit-is-done break-taking. I've been meaning to email queer.is, which is basically the biggest (only? i think?) gay rights/gsa-type thing Iceland has, and it works independently but in association with the university, so that's pretty sweet, to ask if they have any connections/helpful info. And then I have to start actually going through the Icelandic housing sites, which I've been avoiding, because fucking Icelandic, man. Pain in the ass.

And then I have to do the practical legwork that I probably should have been doing all this year. (Go me). I need a winter jacket, and boots, and a second suitcase, a new computer, etc. SHOULD BE FUN.

But! I mean to ask advice re: INTERNATIONAL PHONES. I've read a bit about them, but I was wondering if any of you lovelies have first-hand experience with it. When I went to Europe over the summer, I had a mail-in Blackberry from Verizon that I could use oversees and then send back to them when I got home, but obviously I need something a little more permanent.

I'm not sure if it'd be more ideal to buy a phone here and get an international plan, or just buy sim cards over there, or if I should just kinda say 'fuck it' to my American contacts and just get a phone when I get to Iceland to use there, and skype and email everyone else. I JUST DON'T KNOW. Either way, my current phone is old and needs to be replaced, so I'm open to all suggestions.

One day, I'll stop talking about all of this, I swear.

I've been keeping up with my flist, but in 200-entry or so batches and I admit to being terrible at commenting. But I'm reading! I never thought I'd say this, but if you need to contact me, go to Tumblr, God save us all.

DW post here. Comment there? |

rl: grad school, help me flist you're my only hope, rl

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