Name/Nickname:Squished_rose/blunbear ( i don't like giving out my real name)
Likes:money,books,manga,me,ancient egyptions,sleeping
Dislikes:losing money,books and manga, breaking a nail
Strong points:my brain, history, acting and making friends or atlest being friendly
Weaker points:maths, losing my temper, being sceptic
Hobbies & Talents:reading,collecting glass animals, being able to read a 1000 pg book in a day and worming myself out of hateful situation ( chores mainly)
Describe your personality in three words:contrary,cheerful,depressed
Favorite color:black then red,white and grey
Hot or Cold?:Both but mainly cold
Mature or Immature?: mature mainly
Leader or Follower?:leader
Optimistic or Pessimistic?:pessimistic
Low, medium, or high energy level?:medium
Favorite character & why?: i think natsume because he angsts alot thus making a intresing story
Anything else?: [Description or pictures of yourself?] glasses asian, slightly plump and medium hair
oh yeah i coloured a cute natsume and luca pic in :