Name/Nickname: Shanice
Age: 13
Likes: anime [too many to list. :P], music [mainly pop-rock, emo (don't ask), power-pop], Adobe Photoshop, web design, chatting, downloading, icons, fanfictions, romance genre.
Dislikes: any animal [really...], very noisy people, irritating stuff
Strong points: friendly, really nice, helpful with some stuff, good advices XD
Weaker points: lazy, sometimes impatient, easily gives up
Hobbies & Talents: a little of singing and drawing, web designing,
Describe your personality in three words: different, cheerful, kind
Favorite color: purple
Hot or Cold?: cold
Mature or Immature?: mature
Leader or Follower?: follower
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: optimistic
Low, medium, or high energy level?: hmm... probably medium. :D
Favorite character & why?: Tsubasa, because he's my ideal person. Really nice, helpful, reliable, and a great person overall. :) And plus, he's good-looking. XD I would love to explain more but I'm lazy. XD
Anything else?: