Name/Nickname: R.J.
Age: 15
Likes: strawberry and blueberry cheesecake! a nice fair day(not too hot not too cold), chatting with friends, playing RPG games, RPG games with any form of magic involved, Kingdom Hearts! Science(most especially Life Science), Geometry, Deductive Reasoning, Detective Conan
Dislikes: too much drama, ignorant, stupid people, people who are glorified for small futile tasks, Cheaters during tests, lame RPG games without any form of magic involved.
Strong points: Intelligent, Fights for what I believe in, Doubtful, Persuasive
Weaker points: Prideful, Arrogant, Envious
Hobbies & Talents: Newbie Graphics maker, volleyball, newbie tennis player, a fairly good debater, persuasive
Describe your personality in three words: It's very complicated
Favorite color: I don't really have a favorite. I just don't like pink or any shade of pink.
Hot or Cold?: Cold
Mature or Immature?: both
Leader or Follower?: follower...kinda like the adviser of the leader
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Both
Low, medium, or high energy level?: Medium
Favorite character & why?: Yu. I like his Alice(Illusion)...kinda useful either to protect my family and friends or just make others happy.
Anything else?: None I can think of to added