Name/Nickname: Kelly
Age: 21
Previously stamped as: Alice
Apps you've voted on:
THREE About you
Negatives: A bit shy and withdrawn (shy around strangers and withdrawn about my feelings), a BIG procrastinator, sarcastic, indecisive, occasionally lacks confidence.
Positives: Sweet, compassionate, friendly, fiercely loyal, independent, smart
Anything else you'd think important to share about yourself? I don't think so...
What are you most ~passionate about? Being the best person and friend I can be, staying true to myself, living and loving as much as I can.
What is most important to you? My friends and family, for sure.
What do you consider to be your strongest point? My compassion!
This or that
Optimistic or Pessimistic Mostly optimistic, but I do have my pessimistic tendencies.
Reasonable or Irrational Reasonable
Idealist or Realist Idealistic, but I do think I have a good sense of reality as well.
Tense or Calm Overall I'm pretty calm, but sometimes I can get tense or anxious.
Caring or Apathetic Caring! I hate apathy. :\
[X] Curious
[/] Happy
[ ] Cynical
[ ] Temperamental
[X] Considerate
[/] Nervous
Have you seen Alice in Wonderland? Yes, of course!
If not, why not? N/A
If so, did you like it? I did! It's one of my favorite Disney movies, and it was what introduced me the books in the first place. :)
Least favourite character (or whoever you don't want to be stamped as)? I don't think I am anything like the Oysters, if they're an option. I'm not nearly as stupid and naive as they are.
Anything else? Thanks for reading and voting, and please don't sheepvote!