{white rabbit} "I happen to love rabbits. Especially white ones."

Mar 28, 2010 12:04

Name: Sarah.
Age: I am 15 goooiing on 16...
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Describe yourself, as best you can, in a few sentences: I'm a dreamer. I spend most of my day daydreaming. I have a bright, cheery personality. I'm shy around those I don't know very well, but loud and crazy around those I do. I also loooove reading. I have a new book basically every week! I'd love adventure and I'm usually up for new things. I tend to dwell more on my imagination than realism. I'm very creative and I love everything art-y.
Positives: Friendly, kind, cheerful, quirky, silly, optimistic, loving, passionate.
Negatives: Self-conscious, short-tempered, procrastinator, lazy, unselfish for selfish reasons, indecisive, stubborn.
Are you happy right now? Yes! My sister is very sick and I'm happy I haven't caught anything from her yet. I HAVE AN IMMUNE SYSTEM OF STEEL!! And there's a ~Merlin marathon going on right now! Arthur can make anyone have a smile on their face! :D
What do you want most in the world? I want aaaddveenture in the great, wide soomewhheerre, I want it more than I can teeellll! Also, pink hair and a pink car. Hahaha. :)
What are you passionate about? Reading, my morals, Jesus, fantasy/fairy tales. Art.

[x] Optimistic
[x] Happy
[ ] Vain
[x] Curious
[x] Temperamental
[x] Kind
[ ] Cold
[ ] Distant
[x] Daydreamer

Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Optimistic.
Calm or Temperamental: I tend to be temperamental at times. I unfortunately have a short-temper.
Leap without looking or look before you leap: Look before you leap.
Head-strong or a pushover: Maybe a bit of both.

Everything else:
Favourite season: Spring and autumn. I love the relief spring brings. It's the end of winter, and it just brings a smile on your face and puts you in a good mood. Autumn because I love the colors and the smell!
Favourite time of the day: Night.
Favourite color: Pink!
Have you read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? Yes! It's one of my favorites!
Have you seen/played/read one of the different adaptions? Yes, I've seen the Disney one, Tim Burton, and the ooold one with Cary Grant.
If so, what did you think of them/it? Which was your favourite? I personally loved them all. But the book is probably my favorite of all!

!needs votes

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