Title: The Least Difficult of Men
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: NC-17 (So very, very, very NC-17)
Pairing/Characters: Will/Finn, cameos from Carole, Rachel, Puck, Santana, Kurt
Summary: There's Will and Finn's first time. And then there's the many, many, many memorable times after that.
AN: Sequel to
Literary Criticism. Part of my series that includes
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Comments 14
I can't even
This is perfect. There's so much hnngggh and unf that it shouldn't be legal, there's a great amount of lol and there's a squeal-able amount of fluff. I seriously considered bouncing up and down gleefully when I was reading about the tattoo, because I'm very against stupid tattoos but it's impossible to be upset about that one.
I love that they actually came out to the club and that despite the awkwardness, nobody really cared. I love that Puck and Finn promised they'd live with each other and they still do despite everything that's happened, and that Puck is totally okay with the idea of his best friend fucking their teacher (even if he doesn't want to hear it).
Basically, this needs to be real life like yesterday.
idk what else to say. It's pretty much impossible for me to articulate anything right now.
Anyway. It's nearly 5am in the UK, and I've been up all night with 'flu, but you've made me not give a damn. Thanks, Winn porn!
I absolutely love, as hopenight said, the character development through it all. I love the worries and the fears and the hope and the joy of a relationship that you captured so eloquently. I love the other Glee clubbers reactions and characterizations, especially Brittany's "umm I thought everyone knew" comment. And most of all (being a red-blooded woman) of course I loooooooved the porn aspect :)
Everything about this made me grin from ear to ear. It is absolutely brilliant in every aspect.
Also, just leaving a note of especial love for Puck in this fic. I loved him and how you incorporated him and it just. Awwww. ♥
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