One day the free masons will return the favor they owe me and purge the world of all vegans and vegiterians, returning the diet habbits of mankind to it's original status, and inadvertantly erradicating 50% of the neo-hippy population.
Everyone hates vegans and vegetarians. But that's okay, because I hate everyone...but not Mike Cellemme! I want to make hot, passionate, Whole Foods love to "The Vegan Song"!
My God! Mike Celleme is one of my all-time favorite people who I have ever met. He's ridiculously adorable...and has amazing poetry...and I am coming off as such a gay fanboy right now, which really doesn't bother me.
isn't he? i guess that's one of the benefits of going to URI. bitches. and dan, you've always been a fan boy. and vanessa? The CVS in wakefield. and steve? mmmmwah, what there arent any vegans in georgia? that's ok, i love you anyway.
Comments 6
This ones for you, paul povlock
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