Dear Teller/Customer Service Rep/Branch Manager...
When I ask you to turn off your computer, do not ask "all the way?" the computer can be either on or off. it can not be "half-way" off.
and please, to turn of the computer, you need to actually turn off the CPU. turning off the monitor will just TURN OFF YOUR SCREEN. so don't be surprised when you turn the monitor back on and you have the same picture you did before you turned it off.
the cpu is not called a modem. a modem is something that lets you dial-out. we are a bank. we do not have modems. it is called either a CPU or a tower. if you say modem, i will tell you that you do not have a modem.
no, don't turn the computer off by turning off the power strip. use the POWER button, which turns the POWER on and off.
i know that your computer is slow. everyone's computer is slow. except mine. i work at the helpdesk, and i need a fast computer. you, however, don't need a fast computer because corporate thinks you can service your customers with slow computers, which matches your ability to comprehend directions and procedures. SLOW.
i know you don't know how to use a computer. not many people that have your job know how to use a computer. which makes perfect sense, since what you need to use all the time to do your job IS A COMPUTER. maybe you should have realized this before you took the job.
you work at a bank. please, learn how to add and subtract, and to figure out interest earned on an account. it's not that hard, you learn it in elementary school.
my name is alicia. no, my last name is not silverstone. it was not funny the first 100 times it's been said to me, and it's not funny when you say it. i will not laugh. i will stay silent, biting my tongue, because i really want to bitch you out right now.
i don't care what the weather is like where you are. no, i don't know what the weather is like where i am. i'm inside a building. we don't work outside. besides, it's summer. i'm betting it's not snowing.
no, use the left button on the mouse. did i say right click? common sense, you left click by default, unless i tell you to right click, then LEFT CLICK. why would you double left-click an icon?
no, we are not supposed to know more than you. actually, you are supposed to know what we know. but because you don't know how to use computers, add and subtract number, read, or look up phone numbers, they invented my department. so WE can do YOUR job, even though YOU get paid for it.
no, i cant speak to customers. i am YOUR help desk. if you don't want to deal with the customer, then don't be a customer service rep. send him to your manager. oh you are the manager? shouldnt you know how to handle your customers then? have you never worked with people before? if you want to brush them off, send them to the customer service number, i am not talking to a psychotic customer. that is why i left the branches. oh, and don't just tell me to "hold on" and then put the customer on the phone. because i will tell them to put you right back on the phone. i dont enjoy being passed around to people.
please, don't call and say "hold on" and then leave me on hold for 5 minutes. im going to hang up. too bad for you.
don't ask me a question, then listen to my answer, then ask if i'm sure. if i wasnt i would ask someone. remember, i know your job better than you do. if you know the answer, then why are you calling.
also, do not call, get an answer from someone, and then call again to verify the answer. that's retarded. besides, you keep calling and getting me, and this is the 3rd time you've called, and the answer is not going to change. if u spent 30 seconds to look it up in the procedure manual, you might learn something. like, your job.
No, you can;t have my last name. I am the only one here with that name. Ya, sure, that's how you spell it. Uh huh. No, you can't talk to my manager. They have better things to do than talk to your dumbass.
Thank you,
Alicia. (NOT Silverstone!!)
Note: This is not meant to offend anyone who has one of these positions. Not all of these people are unable to do their job proficiently. This is only for those who call is 18 TIME A DAY.