The word count goal is 10,000 words spread over however many stories written from the 25 prompts. There are bonus points for writing one 10,000 word story so I'm giving that a go as well as any shorter pieces inspired by the prompts.
- family pictures
- bait & switch
- scenario: mutiny
- you are what you eat
- style: diary
- summer people
- genre: mystery
- proverb: The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
- location: Antarctica
- event: The Blitz
- "Bad Reputation" -Joan Jett
- end line: "He grabbed her ass with his good hand and gave a squeeze." from Secret Confessions of the Applewood PTA, Ellen Meister (story must end with this line)
- genre: fluff
- poem: Phenomenal Women by Maya Angelou
- "You're going to need a bigger boat." -Jaws
- quote: "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For indeed, that's all who ever have. -Margaret Mead
- lies
- emotion: anxiety
- "I started strong, the firstborn of identical twin boys, leading my reluctant brother out into the world by seven minutes flat, give or take a moment to suspend my infant's disbelief in the delivery room." from An Underachiever's Diary, Benjamin Anastas
- fill in the blank: One Flew Over the ______
- satellite
- author's choice
- author's choice
- author's choice
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