Everyone looked so good.
Congratulations to everyone!
I hope everyone had an awesome night.
Manager of the Year.
Smile sweetly.
Kate says she looks fat....
so here's Take Two.
Rash is looking normal.
Ellaine and I.
Best and Nicole.
Madge, flashing her braceLESS smile.
Rash - bird for deo in Swiss Chalet.
Iss looks at her... "i think you smell"
Maggi can't hold the camera.
Whereas I can.
Uh... nevermind, I can't either.
We smile sweetly while Alex is covered.
Robin looking sex with her chocolate covered lips.
WARNING: Do not take pictures in a dark car. Especially with the flash on.
Much better at Rash's place; Steph, Rash, and I.
Half sleeping.