Jun 26, 2005 19:33
Isabel is sitting in the apartment, cleaning the already perfectly clean floor rather violently...with a toothbrush. She is not a happy Isabel. But in spite of this she does have dinner ready and on the table for her darling husband when he comes home from work. Good luck Warren. You'll need it.
Jun 15, 2005 22:09
"Warren! You're gonna drop me!" Isabel finds herself laughing rather childishly as he moves her over the threshold of their new apartment. It And looks rather barren. But Isabel doesn't seem to mind the fact that they have no furniture. It's their first home man and wife. And she couldn't be happier.
May 31, 2005 22:33
Isabel is in the bride's area of the wedding space... she is pacing...and freaking out. A lot.
"I can't do this. I just can't do this. I...I'm gonna die. What was I thinking?!"
May 03, 2005 22:29
Isabel throws open the door and slams it behind her. The food is tossed onto the small table...Isabel never tosses things. "Do you know what that selfish asshole did now?!"
She is royally pissed in the way only an alien Princess can be.