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Comments 57

misao_duo February 12 2011, 02:49:48 UTC

Well, the whole thing with the car accident was really unfortunate but it's cool that you can look back at your year and find many positive aspects about it.

I mean, there's your job (and here's where i admit that i'm wishing i get luck enough to get a job that allows me to say - by the end of my own year - 'hey, that lets me save for trips and pay for my stuff and i like it') and the gym. And you will probably agree with me when i point out that most people start the whole gym thing only to stop a couple of months later, so it's extra cool when you manage to start and keep with it.
...i dont know that i should be really talking about that seeing that i had to stop going to the gym this year (after doing it for 3 years) but hey, i have hopes of coming back sooner rather than later, once things settle better on my side.

Also also, falling in love with kame. no commentary needed right ;D ♥


alienashi February 12 2011, 04:27:22 UTC
YOU'LL GET IT SOON! I wish I had the luxury of resting before starting a new job, it was hectic how I was so obsessed with keeping my incomes coming in while totally wanting to ditch my old job so, so, so badly. @gym, I thought I would give up soon too, but in the end I got so dependent on it, not going for a day would make me feel lazy and crazy unproductive ;___; Here's to hoping things get better on your side, because lord kamenashi says so :DDDD


mnemonic_psych February 12 2011, 03:19:58 UTC
Despite the rather blarghy bits of Chinese New Year, your year sounds pretty awesome in retrospect :o! Gym...I'm pretty impressed with how dedicated you are *o*. and well, just because nobody's brought it up, let me pose a question: ever thought of doing a KT dance :B? or even like, any asian pop, or shuuji to akira dance XDDDD IT WOULD BE COOL OKAY XDDDD /one track mind. but skdjfh anyways, i'm really glad that your life is so healthy and happy :D ♥

Kame...yes, that is pretty self-explanatory XD. He came into your life, made it so miracle, miracle~ :B


alienashi February 12 2011, 04:36:27 UTC
Haha, I do the Seishun Amigo dance in Karaoke all the time! (and snsd OTL) There are loads of KT songs I would love to dance (molo even suggested that I record myself doing Plastic Tears for your birthday) but I'm too shy to do it out of gym seriously (or the club, because no1currs in the club). Thanks bb! Your life will be good soon, remember to keep us updated about your headache =/


scorch66 February 12 2011, 03:53:28 UTC
Your poor car, it has such crappy luck :( But at least you came out of the accident unscathed, right? ♥

Nice to kknow your new job's going well after all the stress you suffered with the old one. =)

Ugh, you're so healthy. You're how I want to be, only I never will because my lazziness is immense. One day I too will bring myself to excersise *hopes* It's awesome that you were able to rekindle your love for dance and make working out fun ♥

Lol, no explanations needed XD


alienashi February 12 2011, 04:40:32 UTC
LOL you won't wanna be me, I have like, no life outside work, gym and my room. You will, let's all work to be at least as good as Lamenashi <3 *____* School always makes you feel like nothing else could fit in your schedule, but after you work you desperately want to fill up your schedule because it helps to cope with the mundaneness of work :DDD

Yup, it will need hundreds of pages of essay to explain that away OTL


marlenem February 12 2011, 10:14:02 UTC
*hugs* I'm sorry your Chinese New Year turned out not pretty :(
Poor car! I'm glad you're ok at least! <333 Your tooth, though, hope a dentist will have a look at them soon!

Be happy your boobs are still big! I lost tons of weight in the past 2 years and my breasts turned all ugly and saggy and uggghhh disgusting, and I'm only 23 ;____; ;__________; So be happy your boobs are the same size they used to be T^T *envy like whoooaaaa*

Your dedication to work out and get into a better shape (and your results!!) inspire me. I should work out a lot, because I have no muscles at all xDDD Which is not that funny because my muscles are strained from a ridiculous amount of whatever I'm doing, but... :x But I'm too lazy most of the time >.> Even though I tell myself I must get in shape until spring comes and there's no more need for the winter coat :| xDDD

I was wondering, where do you live? :3 *curious*


alienashi February 12 2011, 11:57:26 UTC
I love your icon! Being mauled by fans is his favouritest moments, I think *___*

Well, as of now it's already extracted, so problem solved but .. ouch.

:(:( BOOBS, STOP MISBEHAVING! Maybe they need more love? Hehe, I need to force myself into doing it because I won't do it if I don't have to pay for it. It's like, I signed up because I know I will refuse to do anything unless I know I have paid and will have to utilize it. At first I was so shy, but now I just stop caring. Baby steps, but it works!

I live in Malaysia, and in the busiest place in it. So you'll often hear me complaining about the horrible driving skills people here possess -_____-||


marlenem February 12 2011, 12:18:47 UTC
Riiiight~ Have you seen the original pic? I think that's a male hand he's touching! :D/

♥ That's good! But sdfg *hugs* *offers painkillers*

If I could blow them back up with love, I'd be the happiest xDDDDD
That's a solution! I did that when I had money xD I'm jobless now so I can't spend on exercising.
I'm usually doing callanetics at home and that does wonders to my body <3 It's just hard to get back into it xD Even though I know how fit it makes me and that I'm allowed to eat more (I'm dieting -.-) and makes me feel ~thin~ :D

Cool! You're the first person I know from Malaysia! :D/


alienashi February 12 2011, 12:34:44 UTC
Think it was in the photobook, right? I'm also pleased at how many male fans he seems to have, did you see the TW segment of the DVD? His male fans are so enthusiastically waving his uchiwa.

Yea, though I really didn't do it to be thin, despite how people assumed I was. I just wanted to dance and it's a side effect, so who are we to complain anyway? Gotta take the first steps :DDD Awww, what are your plans atm? Planning to get a job soon?

Wah, really? JE seems to be the type of fandom where it's common occurrence to meet someone from South East Asia, it's like everyone will know someone from Malaysia or something XDDDD


randomicicle February 14 2011, 04:20:53 UTC
All in all, it seems like last year was a good year. Job, gym.. it all ended up working in your favor. and suddenly whatever woes I had regarding my weight were rendered insignificant and this. There's no prettier person than that who feels comfortable in her own skin. At least for me.

Kame is so easy to fall in love with ♥


alienashi February 14 2011, 04:31:35 UTC
Yup, the camera-phobicness stayed (it will take a little while to get over) but I love being myself more than ever. Small steps, big changes <3

And so hard to fall out of love with <3


randomicicle February 14 2011, 04:53:27 UTC
I'm glad to hear that, those changes are the best ♥

Indeed ♥


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