Ongoing cold

Oct 17, 2016 15:41

I skipped the pub quiz last night and worked from home this morning, having reached the cough so much I pee my pants stage of my cold this weekend.

Much better this afternoon, with barely any coughing, and none of it uncontrollable. Which is good, because I'm in the office.

I spent a large part of the weekend just noodling along - a minimum of adulting, such as spending an hour on the phone with my bank (or at least, their call center in India), making an appointment to change banks and 3 loads of laundry - and did a bit of freehand embroidery to transform basic cheap napkins into antimacassars to freshen up my comfy but worn armchair into something a bit more decorative. Or at least, less of an eyesore.

On Sunday, I went briefly out to see the offerings at the antiques fair, and saw nothing that I couldn't live without.

Adulting plans for the rest of the day include printing out the documents for the choir's AGM tomorrow, writing an email confirming officially my candidacy for the committee, and printing out the papers to vote at the embassy next year. And make sure when Lodger B is leaving, so I can put his room back on the market.

A tiny bit less responsible, but becoming increasingly necessary, I'm going to treat myself to a Kitchenaid knockoff at Aldi when they hit the shelves this week. Because my cakes are worth it.
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