So if you feel so inclined, comment and ask me to interview you and I will ask you 5 questions. Which you will then answer in your LJ and so on. It's like a never ending cycle. But with questions!
One - What Fictional Character do you identify most with?
This is a hard one for me because while there are dozens and possibly hundreds of characters I love, there are not really a lot I strongly identify with. But if I have to pick one, odd as it is, I would probably have to go with Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The way that she thinks and reacts to things really makes sense to me. And has continued to remain relevant and sometimes get more so in the past 6 or 7 years since I started watching it.
Two - Assuming you’re not doing it already, what would your ideal career be?
Well, my goal in life is to eventually be a foster mom, which I don’t exactly consider a career. But if I was going to have one, I would want something focused around that. Social worker or something in that realm.
Three - Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do not. I believe in lust at first sight, absolutely but I don’t think you fall in love the way you would trip into a pothole or something. I think love is more of a process then that, more of a conscious decision. But then again, I have read stories and even known one or two people who fell in love at first sight and it worked out so what do I know? Maybe it’s just not for me.
Four - If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
You know, I really don’t know. I would once have said New Orleans but I’ve been there now and it was amazing. I would really love to take a trip to the Washington DC area with my brothers. I would also love to pretty much go to all of Europe. Does that count as one place? :P
Five - Tell me one thing you wish you had more of?
Time. Always time. Seems like I never have the time to read all the books I want, watch all the movies I want, spend time with all of my friends, with my brothers. Definitely time.