((Because Hughes-Mun encouraged me too, though not too much))

Mar 12, 2006 23:37

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1) If iwiwal took over the world, who would suffer? Everyone,
2) If vicioussweetie and wantedtyphoon were siamese twins, where would they be joined? I have no idea
3) What word best describes can_do_anything? Is it wrong that I want to say Envious here?
4) If envyyourform had a superpower, what would it be? Doesn't he already, he can shapechange
5) Has al_notfullmetal been to your house/dorm? Yes, he helped to destroy it
6) What do you agree with daughter_dark about? I'm not sure I agree with her at all
7) Does sara_elric have a crush on wantedtyphoon? She's six, its possible she might have a childish crush on the man, but I doubt it
8) What song/movie would you recommend to vicioussweetie? Movie? Song? I have no idea
9) Is superman_dead popular? I would hope so
10) Does superman_dead have a big secret? It wouldn't surprise me if he did
11) What comic book character would patient_heart be? a dead one
12) What is selfmadeinferno's favorite game? messing with the humans mind, it is a fun game
13) Have you flirted with superman_dead? o_O Hmm,This might creep him out, more than insinuating that I'm his mother
14) Is hohenheim_papa dead sexy? I used to think so
15) What do you disagree with much_too_human about? We haven't discussed our views on the world.
16) Which president would daughter_dark be likely to idolize? President?
17) Is selfmadeinferno your best friend? No, she is my master
18) Did superman_dead break up with you? No
19) How many monkeys could selfmadeinferno fight at once and win against? A lot, I would assume
20) Do you think man_of_means is hot? I suppose he might be considered 'hot'
21) What is iwiwal's favorite color? Black or maybe Red
22) If envyyourform and al_notfullmetal were spliced together, what would it be like? A shapechanger that is powered by rainbow and puppies with a heart of gold or an evil alchemist that eats rainbows and puppies
23) Would you ever date hohenheim_papa? Before I died and resurrected as a homonculus, he was my husband
24) How would man_of_means kill iwiwal? I doubt he would, he'd want to keep her alive so he could have sex with her
25) Which of your friends should hailtothefuhrer go out with? He's married
26) Have you ever dated superman_dead? No
27) What video game does hohenheim_papa remind you of? Video Game?
28) Where would can_do_anything most like to visit? someplace out of the Nexus, he hates it here
29) What is wortcunning's biggest flaw? I'm not sure
30) What animal does superman_dead remind you of? Why are there so many questions about Ed on here? He doesn't remind me of any animal, more like an insect that needs to be crushed.
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