warning: Political Opinions ahead

Nov 03, 2004 08:16

OK first let me say this: I respect anyone with a different view than mine that won't try to force they're views on me. That said: I need to rant. Also I'm tired. Forgive spelling and thank God I have no real power or influence.

I voted yesterday. Although there were a lot of people on that ballot that I went "who the hell are these people?!" "Why have I NEVER heard of them!?" But I did it. Thank God Moore beat Kobach (republican who believes the nations greatest problems right now are 1)No laws stopping abortion 2)No laws stopping gay marriage 3)No laws stopping first generation immigrants from being entitled to in-state tuition. )

Mom seems convinced that Bush is evil. And I mean like EVIL like the Anti-Christ. She's even more afraid that he's talking to God. Hopefully his "God is on our side" bit is just to please voters. I personally believe that he believes in what he's doing for the country. Even if it's wrong. Sort of like when a kid pokes a poor puppy with a stick and his mom tells him to stop but he goes "It's ok Mom he likes it..."

I don't agree with all that Bush has done but to his credit I don't think everything is his fault. It's not his fault the economy is bad. Economies go bad. It's what they do It might be his fault it's not getting much better but I'm no eco major. It's not his fault that Sept 11 happened. Something was likely to happen no matter who was in power. I mean it might be, what with Jordan going "hey these guys are planning something dude" but these things do happen sometimes. (Yes I'm saying terrorist attacks have happened and most likely will continue to happen unless we all go to happy land and skip through fields of flowers. Anyone wanna guess the odds on that?) It could have been detoured. Then again maybe not. If I recall even the Clinton administration knew about Jordan's warnings. And even if it was the Bush administration's fault: What the fuck does that say about our country? I thought the whole point of checks and balances was so the President wouldn't have all the power! SOMEBODY else had to know about the warning signs here!
Which brings up an interesting point. When exactly are the American people supposed to know about threats to our nation. Most people would say that we need and have a right to know. Of course then there's the fact that the general public is stupid, and will flip out when it's not really 'a good time' to do so. Remember Y2k? Then of course some could argue (And I'd be one of them) that our country probably encounters more threats and crisises in a day than we could fathom. Just watch West Wing you'll get what I'm saying. No matter who is in power here there is always gonna be some kind of threat, unless we turn into some 3rd world county nobody cares about. Let's face it: there is a prestige in attacking this country. All and all I think we're doing pretty good not getting attacked. Especially since we're pissing everybody off.
I didn't know quite where this fit in above. In Osama Bin Ladden's newest tape he say's that 9-11 went better than planned because the President kept reading to the kindergarten class he was visiting even after being informed of the attacks, thus giving the attackers 20 minutes more than Bin-Ladden had hoped for. Most of my anti-bush friends would jump all over this little tid-bit and put it into their "Reasons I hate Bush" speal I'm not quite sure where I stand on this. First off IT TAKES HIM 20 MINUTES TO FINISH A CHILDREN'S BOOK? (Notice not to start and finish but rather: to finish meaning the reading had already begun.) Jesus I could understand if it was "Fox in Sox" or maybe the "Magic School Bus" cause even Bush knows you have to read all the little bubbles. ...but a story about a goat? That said I don't really blame him for finishing the book but he sure took he sweet time and it wouldn't have been BAD for him to excuse himself. I'll admit when I first heard he stayed to finish the story I was kinda touched. That's like the nicest thing I can remember him doing. Anyway back on task. I know he's the president and everything. And I know liberals like to just throw this fact out there the make Bush look bad. (Seriously guys, do you honestly think you need this one? The man has given you an anti-Bush arsenal for God's sake) The liberals make it sound like because this man stayed to finish reading nobody knew what to do about the terrorists. I honestly believe that somewhere in this country there is a guy that could figure out what to do about the terrorists and I'm hoping against hope he could make a command decision and do it without the president's OK. Otherwise I think we have a serious flaw in our government that we need to amend. Now Mr. Anti-Terror man does not just make discussions willy-nilly mind you, He's not even allowed to pick the dish to bring to the President's Pot luck. And he's not really a people person so keep him away from the Israeli Ambassador but I think he should have been allowed to handle this one since he has more of a service record than the president. I mean hell it's not like he can start an international incident. That started 10 minutes ago!
I do think Bush's environmental policies are bad. He seems to be cutting back on quite a few environmental laws (Like lower emission standards, Drilling in Alaska for oil) Gee They seem to be connected to oil companies! How strange!

And I do think Chaney and Rumsfeld have a penchant for absolute evil. I'm not gonna site my references on this one and since this is just an online journal I don't really have to. Well ok Haliburton and the Iraqi prison scandal.

If Kerry gets elected, I want him to make Rumsfeld talk to the press, just cause it's funny when he goes nuts. It's funny when Chaney goes nuts with the "We're gonna be attacked" bit but that's much more morbid.

I don't think the Iraqi prison scandal is the president’s fault. I think he should act like it is, like a good leader. Or gee I don't know just act like he cares. You're only as good as your men, Mr. President. Oh wait Most of those serving the country are better than you. With the exception of those responsible for mistreating prisoners. And they might have done what they did because of a nervous break down. Those above them that allowed it to go on should be court-marshaled. Scandals like this have happened all around the world since the beginning of time. We have several incidents that the government supported in our past like slavery, moving Japanese Americans during WWII, screwing the native Americans. I just thought we were past that. Silly me. It seems like the President is too busy fighting terror to set the scandal right. Gee it would seem to me that incidents like that are what make people wanna become terrorists! In this case we really were the Evil Americans everyone says we were!

Then there was the war. I think the war was a bad, bad, bad idea. (I hate war. I Support troops) I think everyone would agree that Sadam is an evil man. That he needed to be taken out of power. There are lots of evil people that need to be taken out of power. I don’t think it was the right time. I’m not even sure we were the people to take him down. And I am sick and tired of the President making connections between Sadam and 9-11. I’m sorry but he has intelligent assistants telling him there was no connection. If he admitted it I would feel much better. Then there is the fact that after ‘liberating’ the Iraqis there was no real plan to rebuild the county! Like they were just gonna thank us and go ‘well now that you mention it we have been drafting out this idea for a new government. It’s just an idea we were kicking around for the past 30 years.’

It drives me crazy that Bush can never say “I’m sorry I made a mistake.” Or something like that. There was even a Republican columnist that basically said “Oh come on, I’m sure he could think of onemistake.” He leads a country! Of course he’s gonna make a mistake, of course he might have a glitch in intelligence! It’s bound to happen! But instead he keeps spouting this “The world is safer and God is with us” crap.
I’m not a rabid Kerry supporter. I just don’t know enough about him. But I know enough about what Bush stands for and I don’t like it. I know that that is not the way I believe in. I’m tired of calling myself American because of the way the Bush administration has made us look in the world. We are a better country than what we have become. We have more potential. I’d like to see it. But right now if Bush gets re-elected (and I will most likely question the legitimacy of that) I’m moving to either Canada or England. I just can’t take this anymore. Even though He’d be the most powerful man in the world and I couldn’t really escape it. I just can’t take it.
God give me strength. I actually considered taking a hit out on Bush last night. But then we’d be stuck with Chaney. God give me strength.
I hope Kerry waits 10 days for all the Ohio votes to be counted. PLEASE don’t throw in the Towel Mr. Kerry!
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