Impulses - Tegoshige Fanfic

Nov 16, 2014 14:34

Type: Fanfic
Fandom: Jpop, Boybands, Johnnys (JE), NEWS, TegoShige
Raiting: PG-13
Notes:This is my first time writing in english... it was fun. This is actually really old, I just translated it (somehow)... I'm not sure if it's good enough, but I'll let it go. The original in spanish: here

I don’t know what is love. Neither do I wanna know… only thing I do comprehend is that whenever I’m with him, I feel happy. If it is right, if it is wrong… truth to be said, I don’t want to think about it, I’ve decided to let it go.
I see him walking slowly, spacing out on his cellphone: it’s new, he probably lost the other one or maybe, as often happens to him, it was destroyed on a strange and incredible situation.
“Did you change your number again?” I ask throwing a bottle with water that hits directly on his chest and he complains about the pain. “Sorry, wasn’t on purpose”, I’m lying of course, I wanted him to look at me and throwing the bottle was the action that got him to do it.
“Tegoshi” he says sighting, and I frown. He’s angry: “You always do whatever you want” he lectures me.
“Not always” I answer, containing the urge of getting him down on the couch by my side.  “Sometimes I’m mature enough to contain my impulses” specially in front of the magazine’s staff.
But someday I’ll stop being cautious. I’ll let go my impulses and force Shige to kiss me, no matter where we are.

tegoshige, fanfic, news

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