Title: Tell Wind and Fire Where to Stop
alionforalambPairing: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: T for this section
Word Count: ~1400
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my mistakes.
Author's Note: So much dialogue! Hopefully everyone likes this chapter, even though there's no smut.
Previous Chapters:
One Two Three Four Five Six (
Quinn wanted to regale him with her news. Well, the news that was appropriate to the public, anyway. )
Comments 8
And this made me sad:
no man she'd ever been with had even made her orgasm
Poor Quinn, being so unhappy and not being able to figure out why.
Also Quinn was too gay to like having sex with men. Not that men aren't capable lovers. Definitely should probably be phrased, "She couldn't seem to let herself orgasm any time she'd been with a man."
But them being friends is a close second.
Nice post and looking forward to what's eventually next! I don't care how long it takes, as long as this story is eventually finished :).
I honestly think you've abandoned this story, but just letting you know that it was really good and you are a really compelling writer. Thanks for sharing what you have.
I shall mourn the rest :)
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