Title: As He Was Supposed To
Summary: She wouldn't be standing here anyway if he'd asked her like he was supposed to.
Rating: Suitable for all.
Warnings: None
Word count: About 500 Completed: Yes
As He Was Supposed To
She pulls her cloak tighter around her as she waits. The soft bell tinkles as a couple, which she recognises as a pair of fifth-year Ravenclaws, exit the tea shop, his arm draped casually around his girlfriends shoulder. The pair give her a soft smile and she realises how pathetic she must look standing here waiting. She could leave, head back to her friends and pretend the entire thing had never happened. He was late after all. Yet she returns their smile and turns back to looking at the sign in the window. For if there was one thing more humiliating than here waiting here in the cold it would be having to admit the date never happened in the first place.
"The Lovebird Menu," James' voice comes from over her shoulder and she closes her eyes in frustration, she can't have him see her like this. "I thought you had better taste Lily."
"At least I have a date."
"In there?" he gestures inside of the tearoom, with a raised eyebrow.
She has no response for that, so simply turns back to staring at the pink flyer. "I thought you were having a boys day anyway." She sounds bitter and she knows it but she doesn't care. She wouldn't be standing here anyway if he'd asked her like he was supposed to.
Yet he continues undeterred. "Saw you standing alone thought I'd come check you were ok."
"I'm sure he's just a little late."
"No guy is good enough to leave you waiting, let alone outside some pathetic tea shop in the freezing cold. Seriously Lil he's not worth it."
She can't stop the blush that is rising to her cheeks, so looks down to straighten her skirt. "No one else asked me," she mumbles. Its so quiet for a moment she unsure whether he even heard her, she's not sure she wanted him to.
"You wanted someone else to ask you?"
"No," her answer is fast, too fast and he laughs in response. She turns back to the window. "Can you leave now?"
He laughs again. "No."
She turns to face him again, a hand on her hip. "No?" she repeats.
He ignores her and looks through the window into the teashop. "You know I'm many things Lily, but I always keep my promises."
"I'm sorry?" she looks at him but he's still looking through the window.
"You don't remember. Last year, Arithmacy, a truce I think you call it."
"Oh my," she whispers as it comes back to her. The truce. A friendship on the condition that he never asked her out again.
"James-" she begins, but she doesn't really know what to say.
He smiles to himself. "So you did want me to ask you," he says, still looking through the window. "I personally recommend the scones," he tells her. And with that he's gone.