sdcc09 - traveling & thursday

Jul 27, 2009 15:31

so much, breaking it up over the different days.

I got to see Madeline! I am so glad that I decided to use San Francisco as a mid point between Portland and San Diego. The bus ride (greyhound) would have been a solid 24 hours had I tried to do it in one go. But by stopping, I got to sleep for a night on Madeline's futon. Hurray.
I got to room with Aangthony, Monica and Tyler. Hurray. I had so much fun... talking giggling and general tomfoolery when we should have been sleeping or getting ready for the con. Tyler and Anthony both talk in their sleep occasionally. so funny.
Melon Lord was pretty popular, we got mugged for photos almost constantly, so I'm sure there are going to be plenty of pics surfacing throughout the common weeks.
Johane, thank you for the pin set! They're so very pretty and I keep getting comments on them.
Random Nickelodeon Employee who we ran into, I wasn't kidding about you having to "Bring It" to the cons next year. I respect that he asked our opinions of the movie this early on, but as evident by the number of protesters/complainers at the con, it'll be an up hill battle to convince the fans to see and enjoy the movie. I, as with most everything, am still holding my judgment.

OMG... why the fuck did I take Greyhound! I mean, sure, it was less than half as much as flying, plus I have the benefit of stopping in sf to visit, but it's so painful!
Why do people who take public transit have no respect for their fellow passengers? I sat next to two JobCore kids - Aaah, I thought I got rid of them when I stopped living on Treasure Island - who had the same same Job Core bus conversation I've heard a million times over... about what sort of fucked up things they've done in their lives and how its given them so much wisdom and knowledge and bullshit that always makes me want to correct them in their know-it-all attitude with their incorrect facts. Not only that, but talking about blowjobs and masturbation in voices loud enough for anyone within 5 feet could hear, especially when there are two young girls (aged around 4 and 7) in the seats opposite is just so....idiotically inappropriate. At least they got off before we got to Medford.
I'd been scheduled for a 2 hour layover in Sacramento, that got turned into a 3 hour layover since they overbooked the bus to San Francisco. At least I still got into town with enough time to get to Madeline's place before she had to get to work... but it was tight.

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