today sucked. i had to fix a paper for one of my teachers and he gets pissed because it is not on one page. and he is just stupid. i have to go so that who_lee_yo and i can go eat before i go to work.
okay so this weekend was so boring and stupid. nothing of interest happened this weekend. i think that i ...*mind wanders off in thought* i actually had a horrible weekend. i got yelled at by my parents so everything is going great*using sarcastic tone* i think im going to have to find a new place to stay in the next few weeks. well gotto go
i was sitting here and i was trying to fix the community. but i don't know how. i can't get it to show up on my userinfo. does anyone know how to fix the problem? i need help
the fags at school are so gay...i hate them. not you nancy or lorikins. just brian and alyssa and guin and allen and all them. fuck them. fuck the world. fuck everything. ok nevermind