Comic Con pics! Will probably be more once Jared and Pete upload them.
Jaaammmmeesss! Took this while I was in line.
Also took in line~
'DAHURR you're super delicious'
I think here was where I asked him about Spike/Fred possibilities. He got this little glitter in his eye when I said it, it was funny.
This one blurred, but I couldn't help but think he looked like he was vamping out mid-conversation.
That's all chalk art. I'm not a Yu-Gi-Oh fan but I can attest to the EPIC art.
No Con is complete without Storm Troopers.
This guy was magnificent, I'm pretty tall, I'm 5'6, and this dude still towered over me a good two feet or so. He had what I assume to be a recording of Chewie's voice or something hung on his back, or attached to the sling he wore across his chest, because he periodically made exact Chewie noises. It was spectacular.
Hammer: OH! A photo op, why of course young woman!
Horrible: Uggghh.
This couple was very sweet! They were cosplaying Mal and Inara, and had just gotten married on Friday.
Sadly, the one photo of me and Bruce blurred pretty bad. You can see I'm handing him the picture Opallynn drew. He seemed to really like it, but it got taken away so fast he didn't really get the chance to look at it. (Dude was lookin' stylin' though, I gotta say. Nothing say 'swank' like a red suit jacket and black dress shirt/tie combo.)
There were a couple of Toph's, but this girl was the best.
Motherfucking STEAMPUNK IRONMAN. This costume was detailed to a T, rivets, piping on the back, little gauges and knobs on the back. It was great.
This kid was mega cute, he was like ten and cosplaying as Ash from Evil Dead. The chainsaw on his arm was almost as big as he was.
This guy was GREAT. I heard him cackling all the way across the hall.