I finished reading the new Harry Potter book on Sunday... I had to work all through the weekend ><
My thoughts on the book-
Wow, I was slightly surprised to see the death and action start in chapter 1...
The beginning was more sad for me then the end, It was sad to see Dudley all the sudden growing a conscience and actually caring about what happens to Harry..
I was almost in tears with Moody and Hedwig dying right off, poor Hedwig didn't even die happy she was in the cage for the last few weeks of her life.. Moody at least died in his element, fighting dark wizards.
Then with Hermione explaining that she cunfunded her parents for their own protection was teary for me...
Though I sorta expected it to happen I was still shocked to see Voldemort infiltrate everything... the ministry, the school azkeban... The Taboo on his name! omg! That was fairly brilliant, who else would say it?
Harry Ron and Hermione in the woods for 6 months really reminded me of Frodo, Sam and Gollum lol
The inevitable epic battle at Hogwarts was great... sad, and exciting at the same time.. McGonnegall's "we fight to dual" to Slughorn! The DA kept up with the fake Galleons! Who does the Proteon charm now? Neville?
I didn't doubt Snape.. But I pegged Dumbledore at the end of book 3... I knew that he was sending Harry in to die, and I knew he wouldn't ever tell him the entire story.. I was a little bit surprise to see Snape stick up for Harry to Dumbledore though.
The Grey Lady's Diadem I knew had to be the tiara that Harry put on that bust to remember where his potions book was in the RoR.. Though her story was interesting...
Harry surviving Avada Kedavra again was a little surprising... The scene with him and Dumbledore having a conversation in Purgatory was a little... weird... and I thought it was pretty cheap that Harry could 'choose' whether to "go on" or return to earth...
Molly Weasley.... WOW! she shocked me! I know shes uber mom and would move the planet to save her kids... but the language! hahahahaha... I know Neville didn't get the moment we always wanted.. but he did exactly what Harry asked of him.. and he got the sword out of the hat, a true Gryffindor.
The Epilogue could have explained more... what happened to the rest of the DA, the rest of the Weasleys, the rest of the teachers, who was the headmaster... I vaguely remember her saying we'd find out more about the Hogwarts teachers spouses and families... unless I missed it that didn't happen... and I really thought Dumbledore's portrait would play a bigger part.
All in all I'm pleased... sad the series is over but fairly pleased with the ending..
I'll probably be reading it again this week :)