Title: Now and Again
alissablue Rating: PG-13/R, will be NC-17 eventually.
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Noah, other Oakdale characters and an OC here or there.
Category: Fix it-fic, AU
Summary: “If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.”- W.I. Thomas
Warnings: Angsty Angst, some mindfuckery
Disclaimer: Do not own.
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Comments 42
(reid & william)
is just so fucking hysterically
and almost awkward.
omg xD
maybe channing isn't a complete baffoon O_O
i ... i almost want to ... to.. like him!
"in that way sometimes noah's words hurt like bullets from a riffle."
wow. that line... just wow.
i can't even express how simply amazing that line was to me.
"What happened to the guy I fell in love with?"
"He grew up and realized he deserves better."
*flails like a maniac*
this was amazing. simply amazing <3
nice song choice, btw ;D
"in that way sometimes noah's words hurt like bullets from a riffle."
I love that line, because it just means so much and carries a whole lot of history in just a few words.
"If the moon fell down tonight" is such a perfectly perfect LuRe song<3.
Thank you so much!
And oh yes. That song always makes me think of the boys ^^;
*calms down* hey, it felt good to get that out. :-)
Your hatred for Noah never fails to amuse me. XD
I was so happy to see Rooftop!Luke here! It's really about time that he told Noah what he really thinks! The last line - PERFECT! Can't wait to see Luke and Reid develop their relationship now with Noah out of the way!
Luke and Reid still have quite a bumpy road ahead of them, but they'll take their first big step toward that eventual relationship on the day of Molly/Holden's wedding^^.
I loved, loved, loved Luke's last line to Noah! Yay Luke!
And I do agree that the comparison between Noah and Winston may have been a litle harsch (I don't think Noah could have done some of the things Col. Mayer has done), but I think that, perhaps, Noah really needed to hear those words from Luke.
I love that last line, too! Thank you so much<3.
YAY! We're so close to...things. :D
Yes, I know I'm a tease. :D
I edited this chapter in class this morning and it was right after (I think) you usually leave for work and I really wanted to post, so I just did XD.
Rescue Me soon, yes? Is it just me or did I miss an update last night/this morning XD?
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