Hope everyone had a lovely holiday! Instead of getting up early for Black Friday shopping, I got up early and saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 in IMAX this morning. Sooooo worth the $18.50.
On Thanksgiving I cooked, and
lint138 and I marathoned the first six HP movies. It was really interesting seeing how everyone changed - especially the Trio - through the movies. I feel like we really go to see those kids grow up. I also picked up on a few of the more background characters, seeing them pop up in classrooms and during meal scenes. It was almost like recognizing Buffy's classmates walking down different halls when they transition to college, but there was one kid getting sorted into Hufflepuff and a few films later sitting in Defense Against the Dark Arts next to Hermione.
In rereading DH right before the movie came out, my affection for Luna Lovegood and Minerva McGonagall multiplied. The movie marathon reinforced this as well with some brilliant casting/acting. I think I have the same feelings for Luna that Harry does. You can't help but instantly like her weirdness and unfailing kindness. Like Harry, I think she sees the best in people. She's good-naturedly amusing (she seems like one of those friends you know will always be able to make you smile, whether they mean to or not) and incredibly loyal, a genuinely wonderful human being.
McGonagall, on the other hand is fierce, but also highly amusing. Maggie Smith's portrayal of her is perfect. "Why is it when anything happens it's always you three?" Just watching the first movie, at the very beginning when she questions leaving Harry with the Dursleys by telling Dumbledore they seem like the worst type of Muggles, I actually got a little misty at her thoughtfulness. She's clearly a no nonsense sort of teacher, but her loyalty to Gryffindor House and her kids lets her bend the rules when need be, which seems like a fairly common Gryffindor trait. Her part in the final battle at Hogwarts (the lady dueled Voldemort!) is epic, and in DH when she finally puts her foot down to stop the Death Eaters from torturing the students for info made me actually cheer as I read. She's a worthy, awesome successor to Dumbledore.
As for the new film, GUUUUUUUUUH. LOVED it. So much. Such a gorgeously bleak movie. I think it's appropriate to describe it as the Empire Strikes Back of the HP movies, 'cause WOW is there very little hope in that ending.
Things I liked:
--> The opening. I liked seeing Hermione erase herself from her parents' lives, and the Dursleys driving away and Ron being as broody as Ron ever gets. I thought it was a nice bridge from the last movie, from saying they were going to go Horcrux hunting to the realities of preparing to leave everything behind to do it. And of course I loved the Death Eaters table. "Nagini. Dinner."
--> Hermione Granger. That chick owned this movie, and Emma did a wonderful job. I've accused her of not being able to act in the past, but I think she easily held this movie together. Like Ron said, they wouldn't last two days without her.
--> Every single Ron/Hermione moment. Ron is my favorite, and I am an unapologetic Ron/Hermione shipper, so actually seeing them interact on screen both knowing they are in love with the other was great. I liked the way they showed their intimacy in small touches and mainly in the way they looked at each other. Ron's face at the wedding? His speech about the little ball of light? *melts*
--> Every single Harry & Hermione moment. The dance scene in the tent is probably my favorite moment of the movie, which quite frankly surprised the hell out of me considering my strong R/Hr leanings. It was just a sweet and silly moment between best friends who desperately needed comfort, connection, and a moment of tension breaking levity. Her support of him despite her broken heart was a wonderful demonstration of the strength of their friendship.
--> Dobby. Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf.
--> The Harry/Ginny kiss and George's reaction to it. That wink was priceless.
--> The story and animation of The Three Brothers. It was neato.
--> The Ministry Caper. Love me some good polyjuice potion hijinks, and Ron's concern over his "wife" was adorable.
I do wish they had left a few things in, like Dudley shaking Harry's hand or Ron practically losing his mind over hearing Hermione being tortured or the mural in Luna's room of all her friends. I liked where they ended the movie with Voldy getting the Elder Wand, but I almost wish the Harry stuff would have simply ended with Dobby dying, maybe leaving the burial as the first stuff in the next movie to link them better.
Overall, I thought it was pretty fantastic. I'm now properly psyched to see them break in Gringott's and watch the Battle of Hogwarts play out in the next installment. How many months do we have to wait again? :(
And I've watched this video a ridiculous number of times today, but it GIVES ME CHILLS (and makes me smile proudly). ** video contains spoilers for all released movies **
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