I started watching Fringe this Thanksgiving weekend. And, of course, I LOVE IT.
I'm twelve episodes into the first season, and I'm already at capslock abuse level of love with this show. I have to admit that there was some resistance on my part to watching this show at first, mainly because I've never seen the appeal of Joshua Jackson. I know, fangirl sacrilege! I guess I was Team Dawson back in the day (please don't judge me, I was very young), but I have to say that Josh is KILLING IT in this show. Lets all just thank some deity that my friend Steve at work nagged the holy bejesus out of me for months to watch this show after LOST ended.
I know next to nothing about where the show goes beyond what I've seen besides some incredibly vague spoilers about a couple of the game-changing events that occur, so please don't spoil me. That being said, I love all the JJness that flows through Fringe. Call backs and even the tone and music evoke Alias and Lost, which makes me very happy. I almost see this show as the X-Files but they investigate sciencey/mumbo-jumbo-y stuff with a Sydney Bristow type woman leading a team of misfits who could have easily been plucked off the Island.
Olivia is awesome. Walter is delightful and precious and must be protected. Peter is fun and funny and clever (and, oh okay, cute). Charlie cannot be real, he's so loyal and awesome (or, and I hope this isn't the case, a bad guy waiting to be revealed). Broyles scares me a little bit, but I'm pretty sure he wants to be BFFs with Olivia so he's cool. And God help me, I ship Olivia/Peter.
I've also discovered that six things generally happen in each episode:
1. Someone dies in a horrifically gross way (ie, head explodes).
2. The case will be related to something Walter worked on in the 70s or 80s.
3. Astrid will reveal yet another awesome skill or degree she has to help do some leg work.
4. Broyles will know exactly what Olivia is talking about and give a "Oh, you got there too" look when she throws some crazy idea at him about the case.
5. Massive Dynamic is responsible, or, at the very least, knew about the bad thing from the case all along.
6. Walter says something random that makes me cackle.
The rest of aired episodes of Fringe, I'm coming to get you. :)