Title: In the Rough (16/40)
alittleoddishRating: Teen
Characters: Alice/Hatter, Jack/Duchess, Charlie
Disclaimer: I don't own any part of Syfy's Alice.
Summary: "But this is starting to sound like a quest! Quests are such a pain, Alice, they really are. All horseback and food rations and traveling in groups and no truly hot tea, with significantly less
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Comments 4
This chapter had me on the edge of my seat! Glad you're back ^_^
She raised one dark eyebrow at him. “So melodramatic?”
“It’s a special occasion.”
Charlie frowned a bit in thought. “Really? It seems as though we do this sort of thing rather often.” -- Out of the mouths of babes and Charlie. Truth hurts but it's funny.
She also ignored the fighting instincts that itched in her shoulders, all the way down to her fingertips. -- Hmm, is Alice sensing Lory in a way?
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