Title: In the Rough (18/40)
alittleoddishRating: Teen
Characters: Alice/Hatter, Jack/Duchess, Charlie
Disclaimer: I don't own any part of Syfy's Alice.
Summary: "But this is starting to sound like a quest! Quests are such a pain, Alice, they really are. All horseback and food rations and traveling in groups and no truly hot tea, with significantly less
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Comments 8
But besides that, this chapter gave me goose bumps practically through the whole thing. It was like, everything we ever wanted to know about Charlie we've now discovered. I love the concept of Charlie having learned his song from Hope. The whole chapter was so emotional as well; it was wonderful to see how Charlie overcame (or at least began to cope with) the traumatic events of the war. After everything that happened to him, he deserved a little hope... specifically a little Hope.
You know, I debated with myself about whether or not Charlie made the connection... and then I realized that, no matter whether he did or not, his reaction would likely be the same. Charlie is well aware that one does not go looking for Hope-- Hope finds you. ^_^ So even if he'd made the connection, he wouldn't have bothered himself so much with finding her. Hope isn't omniscient, exactly... but she is very nosy. XP
I'm really glad you liked the chapter so much, btw! Thanks for the lovely review. ♥
And you're very welcome. I love this story and can't wait for it to continue. :)
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