OKAY SO get prepared for a very long entry about my Sunday in New York.
It took me like a week to right because I'm a failure. really. i would write like a sentence a day and then today i wrote like 5 pages.
Its 7 and a half pages long I'm not even kind of kidding you
So review first and then pictures.
Nancy and I had a 5:25 am train to catch and my dad and I had to go to Nancy’s and then to the train station so we could leave our car there. I had to wake up at 3:30 am [BIGGEST JOKE OF MY LIFE]. It was lame I was so exhausted...it was like I was just getting to really get to sleep and I had to wake up. Thank you…thank you MARTIN SHORT [no.]. We got to Nancy’s around 4:30am she had to ask me a shoe question that went well. She messed up her nail polish. It was funny she had like a mental freak out about it. We arrived at the train station with time to get our tickets. And walk to the place to sit and look at what we had made for Beth. I loved what Nancy made her. The cards were so cute =]
We got on the train and left at 5:25. Nancy and I sat in those seats that like face each other and we chatted it up for a bit. I forget what we talked about but we talked and we laughed and it was a fun train ride. We wanted to see the sun come up… but we slept instead hahaha. I wish I remembered the train ride there but I really don’t.
We got to the city at like 9:30 am and wanted Jamba Juice. We had to walk through like 2000045 policemen and it was really quite frightening. The safest place you could walk and I was frightened. We got our jamba juice...yeah I was Beth that was really fun and my dad was retarded and was like “yeah Beth dad” ….I JUDGED HIM. Nancy and I walked and stood in line with my dad. We walked through the entire line to see if we knew anyone we could stand with...we didn’t see anyone so we stood in line and I got really excited about Tarzan fans but some bitch in front of me took the last one. THANK YOU MARTIN SHORT. Anyway Nancy and I stood in line for a bit we got moved around a little. We went to visit Dara at the front of the pack and we had to like yell at her it was great we were BASICALLY just like “someonewhonoonelikes IS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU THE UGLY ONE YEAHH THAT’S HERR YEAH I KNOW” yeah it was great. And then we were told we can’t stand where we were standing so we went back to my dad. We were in these like barricade type things and we were right under Toys R Us. It was like 10 and Nancy started having to pee REALLY bad so we were just like “okay well she can go in Toys R us when it opens” SOO 11 rolled around and Toys R Us opened but the police people wouldn’t let ANYONE out of the barricade or through the barricades or anything it was lame. So Nancy couldn’t pee. Until like 1. I felt really bad.
SO funny things happened at Bway on Bway. My dad acted like he was 12 I don’t even know. Hunter Foster and Jen Cody got stopped at the barricades by the police guy and he would NOT let them through because he didn’t have his pass hahahaha. Some woman came over and Hunter was like “OH there’s my pass!” HAA I laughed. And Nancy did a lot of Sutton “HUNNERR” impressions and I laughed a lot. We saw Avenue Q perform like 2095 times they were really cute though. I would enjoy seeing Avenue Q sometime in my life. Nancy really had to pee. Umm...peeing was a big thing happening.
Bway on Bway started. It was very good. I’m pretty sure Tarzan had me like shaking SO insanely it was pathetic. I adored it though I love Jenn Gamby and Josh Strickland a LOT. I just love that show a lot. People performed that was great. We saw Sarah Uriarte Berry [did I spell it right?] and I had to call Maysam for it. Sarah is INCREDIBLE! Oh my goodness I loved her! Spelling Bee I really enjoyed. I enjoyed all of it. It got towards the end with the guy and his monkey and Nancy and I both had to pee so we were really impatient. It got really annoying when Drowsy like didn’t happen haha. AND I had to meet Nora at the Marquis at 1 so she wasn’t alone because her mom was like dropping her off and, and I didn’t want to leavel her alone. So at 1:15 we had to go and it was really sad cuz I hadn’t seen Beth.
Nancy ran to pee and so did my dad and I found Nora but then I had to go pee. SO I went and like as soon as I was done and started to wash my hands Nancy called and she was like “BETHETLSJ:BETHHH” and I cracked her code and figured out that BETH was performing like right that second and I was peeing. SO I ran with all my speed [well I had to dry my hands first] down the escalator and outside and. I missed it. I was pretty mad haha. There were a lot of Thank you LIFEs happening.
We all wandered to the stage door. Chatted it up with Rey. We found Dara and Alexi and I was busy being a complete spaz head it was amazing. I’m sorry that I scared everyone, I was thoroughly exhilarated. Nancy talked to people she was enjoying herself =] I talked to Nora a lot cuz I love her. And my camera got dropped. Oh GODLSKJD:G it was the worst thing ever basically. It dropped and I freaked OUT. I got so scared it was broken. BUT I turned it on and it turned on. And I took a picture and it took okay and I was happy.
BUT THEN Sutton Foster came. And I got really shaky [I swear NANCY gave me her shake disease.] and Sutton had her puppy with her and the little sack she carries her puppy in. She was adorable. And I felt really bad just being like “Sutton Foster” and she turned and she was like “HI!” and I asked if I could get a picture with her. And she had to give her puppy to Rey. Rey took the puppy. SO Sutton came over and we stood in picture position. And then my camera DIDN’T take the picture. I was like shaking even MORE and I swear I think Sutton thought I was going to have a seizure or something. I apologized a lot and she said something about not worrying about it. And YEAH then would have been a PERFECT time to be like “I met you at Destination Broadway last year and you were so the coolest person in my life” but I didn’t. WELL Nora got my picture with Sutton and it’s very good. And Nora got a picture with her and its also VERY good!
Bob came next and I stopped him. Nancy had to go to lotto with like 4598 people so I was left with Nora. And I stopped Bob and said hi and told him he’s very funny and asked for a picture. And the camera didn’t work and Nora was like “Laney...it’s NOT working” and Bob was just like “I don’t like those new cameras I don’t know how to work them I don’t think I would even try” and we laughed at him and Nora said she was getting her camera. I apologized. A lot. He told me not to worry about it. I got the picture and he went in. Hes so amazingly tall it was the most entertaining thing ever.
SO this is the best part make sure you’re reading.
I had seen Beth walking back from Bway on Bway after I met Sutton and she was on the other side of the street and I was. Freaking. Out. Like it was pathetic hahaha it really was lame I was shaking and yeah. SO she crossed the street and went like…away from the theatre SO I freaked out more.
But like 7 minutes later she came back towards the theatre and Alyse’s mom was on one side and Alyse was on the other side of the theatre and as soon as Alyse’s mom saw Beth she was like “ALYSE!!” and they literally ran down the side walk to Beth and like attacked her. I wish I was exaggerating they RAN down the street to Beth. And it was really, really stupid I wish Nancy had seen it cuz just yeah.
BUT Alyse talked to Beth and Beth tried to walk away like.. 5 times it was funny.
Beth made her way down towards the stage door and I was really, really, really shaky it was pathetic. This other girl was there and she had like...a binder covered in Beth and like on the side it was like “BETH LEAVEL ROX MY WORLD” and I laughed…really hard. WELL that girl was like “no. ..you talk to her first” and Beth was RIGHT in front of us and I was like “seriously…she’s right they just say hi” and so the girl talked to her I didn’t pay attention. I DID almost ruin her picture with her haa. Oops…
OKAY then Beth like came over to mee I was like 4 inches away but she was just like “hii!” and I said “hi!” and I was a little startled I had to think for a second
M: I made you this bag. I’m sorry the letters are coming off...but I made it for you
B: oh my goodness!! Thank you so much!! Its beautiful thank you!
M: I’m sorry the S like…fell off [cuz I had the Drowsy Chaperone written on it]
B: I’ll just fix it when I get up there.
M: There’s stuff inside it for you. An Alphabeth and a card.
B: oh! Thank you!! *hug*
Nora: hold the hug! Wait!
B: wait hold on *we get the best picture…ever. taken* What’s your name honey?
M: Laney
B: thank you So much Laney!
M: its really not a problem =] I was really sad because I didn’t get to see you perform at Bway on Bway
B: OH!
M: yeah…I really had to pee. Sorry that’s WAY too much information
B: nope I know just what you mean. I had to pee right before I went on so I was onstage just like *does the...pee thing that people do hahaah* I’m surprised you couldn’t hear me up there
[Okay at this point I was REALLY trying to stall time because. Nancy NEEDED to be there]
M: can I show you a page in the Alphabeth really fast?
B: oh of COURSE I would love to see it!
M: *I get the Alphabeth out*
B: AHH that is ADORABLE alphaBETHHHHH *flipping* oh that’s so adorable.
M: sorry the pages are stuck together.
B: oh no that’s fine! *flipping* [I think she was on like letter D] I don’t even have half of these pictures. OH they’re crazy.
M: *laugh* they’re my favorite. [Laney you’re retarded]
B: *she said various ooohs and aaahs and this is so greats while she was flipping* OHH my husband *she stroked the picture. Flips page* oh my goodness… [it was N. nutritious.] Oh my goodness! You know… you can dress ‘em up. And you can dress ‘em down. But you can’t teach em to eat cake. That is a great picture.
M: *laugh* you and Danny are hysterical..[I swear I said more I can’t even remember it though I was probably babbling like a LOON]
B: *laughs* look at this. We look GREAT don’t we? [It was a picture of her and Danny in like…half costume] *she flips and gets to page S* sasstressssssssss definitely!
M *laugh* of course! [Laney YOURE STUPID]
B: *getting closer to page W...Nancys favorite page. I think she was on page V] oh gosh! My boobs are like falling out of that dress!! My chest was all over the place.
M: *laughs…really, really, really hard* *Beth made a funny face her eye did something awesome* and this is my friend Nancy’s favorite page. Nancy is trying to win lotto right now….its a lone star love picture..
B: *laughs* *covers picture with her hand* oh my gosh! That’s crazy!! *she flipped a little more and closed it* thank you So much Laney! I will definitely look through this more upstairs but I love it! *hug* are you seeing the show?
M: yes I’m sitting row R…its pretty far back but my friend Nancy might be sitting first row!
B: yeah that’s pretty far back. What side are you on?
M: left
B: I will look your way =]
M: I will cheer for you. And give you entrance applause. And everything
B: *funny arm gesture and face* nooooo!
M: You’re an amazing person Beth [yaddayaddayaddaaaa I blabbed] *she like held my hand the whole time though it was stoking I asked her for another picture*
B: of course!
M: thank you! You really. Are such an inspiration [yaddayadda Laney shut up]
B: Thank you so much sweetie!!
M: have a wonderful show! I’m so excited!
B: ME TOO!! *we both laughed* bye Laney!!
M: bye Beth!
[cue Laney not being able to stand up straight.]
SO I had to like hug Nora and FREAK OUTT for a while cuz I was really excited and really shaky. So I had to stand there for a sec and talk to Rey about how excited I was. He was so funny! And then I saw Danny Burnstein and I said “*a la Sutton Foster backstage at Drowsy Video* Danny Burnstein! Have a good show!” and he looked over at me with his wife I’m guessing and they smiled and he said “thank you!”
Nora judged me. Ahha
We walked to the front and found out Nancy lost lotto and she was in line to get tickets my dad was inline to pick up our tickets. People yelled at us for being in the way. I saw Court and Ashley and Kerri and talked to them for a sec they were going to get food.
Nancy and Nora and I were trying to find where all of them went for food... But couldn’t so we had a pretzel. And then went into the Broadway store. That was a really fun experience for me. I had my little statue of liberty hat thing AND statue of liberty glasses oh MAN it was fun. Nancy had to buy batteries though.
The show was. AMAZING I laughed so hard. Sutton Foster was amazing I loved, loved, loved being able to see her perform. She’s incredible!! And Bob Martin needs to just. Marry me or something he’s SO funny. Everything he does make me laughs SO hard [especially the power bar scene. Oh god OH GODD I peed] I love how like shaky he is with his hands all the time and how he randomly like… dances with them YEAHH he made me laugh really, really hard. And DANNY BURNSTEIN ohgoodnessgracioussakesaliveee he’s SO funny. I love when he says burly. It was the funniest word in the whole show. Really
My favorite though was of COURSE Beth Leavel. Even if I had no idea who she was I swear she would be my favorite. That woman is an AMAZING actress she always has a weird/amazing character face and my eye was immediately drawn to her and she’s seriously. Incredible I loved her and if I could think of anything else to say that would make any sense at all I would. But I can’t think of like a way to explain how AMAZING this show was. And done.
SO after the show… it was really frightening for me to go down the escalator cuz there were so many people and I’m very claustrophobic. BUT we made it out alive and that was great. We went to the stage door and tried to stand near the end and stuff happened I don’t even remember. The wall opened. Oh god it was amazing. I met Trix the Aviatrix [I do know her real name its just more fun to call her Trix the Aviatrix], Lenny Wolpe, and Garth Kravits they were entertaining to talk to hahaha I definitely only said “you were great!” and then like stood there. OHH I dropped my playbill somewhere in there and Danny Burnstein picked it up. That happened. Hahaha
THEN Beth came out and I got really stoked again. Alexi, I swear, thought I was mentally insane. BUT she came out and made her way down towards us and she got to Spencer and he was like “you’re my hero!” and she did this HISTERICAL face and held her hand like it was a microphone and was just like “DID YOU EVER KNOW THAT YOU’RE MY---no” it was SO funny oh goodness amazing.
Beth started talking to Nancy and somewhere in the middle of it I think I may have said something to or about Danny Burnstein and Beth looked at me
B: Hi Laney!!
M: Hi sweetie! * I like...held her elbow?? I don’t even know* oh. I just called you sweetie! Ha. HI Beth!
B: Oh its okay I like it
Cue me adoring Beth Leavel even more.
She talked to Nancy about BLO and I said something like “I basically live there and Alexi was like “YEAH me too!” hahaha it was great. And Beth didn’t really understand the whole Beth Leavel Online...BLO thing. She was a little confused.
Nancy gave her this really, really pretty collage thing that she made and Beth saw the picture of her with the cake on her teeth and she took the collage and pointed at the picture to me and she was like “look! This needs to be my new promo shot…my new headshot you know!” BETH I adore you.
SO then Beth kind of like…migrated to me. I don’t know. I TOTALLY forget what went on after the show between me and her which makes me sad. She gave me a hug and it was a great hug haha I love her. And she said that everyone loved the bag and the AlphaBETHHHH and she said alphabeth in the best way...ever she said THHH for like an hour. I loved it. She told me she was taking it home to show her family and I was like “your husbands in it!” and she was like “I know! He will love it! But I need to bring it back here!” or something like that. She asked me about the show somewhere in there I told her I loved it SO much and she got all excited. She was so sweet and giggly. and then i had totally forgotten to have her sign my playbill and i was going to ask her to get a weird picture. and so this happened
M: I have a realyl really lame request--
B: ohh its not lame!
M: haa yes it is BUT OH! could you sign my playbill. then i have a really lame request
B: oh of COURSE!
M: and do you think i could get ap icture with you like..making a funny face. and i could--
B: OH YES! yeah! oh yes!
M: okay what face should we make
B: lets not say. lets just do it.
M; oh okay!
B: OR oh lets do the Drowsy Chaperone face!
M: OH i can do the lips!
B: WONDERFUL where are we looking?
M: right over there *points to dad*
B: okay i'm ready! *picture is taken* is it good?
my dad nods
M: oh goodness thank you SO much! you're an amazing person!
B: thank you laney
haa amazing picture
Nancy then like came back and talked about college and I laughed cuz I really enjoy that story. And Beth was just like “I REALLY enjoyed my time there. REALLY… It’s such a beautiful place.” I have a video of it. And I need to somehow upload it.
Beth was ready to go so she said “Alright my friends...” it was cute. REALLY. But Alexi said something about Bway on Bway and Beth was like “they could hear me in Jersey City *makes face with microphone again* AHHHHH” I peed.
Beth asked Alexi about school and then asked me and Nancy about school and me having the largest mouth ever I was just like “YEAH I have a 4 hour train ride to catch for school really early” and she leaned in really close to me and said “what honey?” JUST like her “did I what baby?” So I said it again and she said something. Then she parted from us and I think that may have been when another hug took place. I don’t remember.
THEN someone [alexi or Nancy] had the amazing idea for a BLO picture so we went and stood over like. By that huge pole…thing and Beth had her phone whipped out and she was standing next to Lenny and Angela PUPELLO [I really enjoy her last name] and I think it was me or alexi or both who were just like “BETH can we get a BLO picture” and she was like “YEAH SURE….whats a BLO picture?” AHAH amazing. I felt retarded but I’m so used to saying BLO. So Nancy was just like “Beth Leavel Online” and we like explained that we were all from BLO. Yeah. And my dad was like “okay two cameras” and [OKAY BEST PART OF MY WHOLE LIFE] Beth was like “Two camera action!! WREE *best noise EVER*” and I was laughing SO HARD. I look so ugly in the picture from my camera because I was seriously laughing so hard. So when the picture was done being taken I was like “that. Was the best noise I’ve ever heard” and Beth laughed and like kept her arm on my back and like rubbed my back [go be a masseur Beth] and she said “you’re a crazy girl Laney!” and she laughed too. And then we said thank you. And I called her an amazing person again. [I think I called her an amazing person like 45 times that day.] and she walked off. YEAH it was really stoking for me.
The stagedoor that day was like… bring your baby to the stagedoor day there were SO many kids and the cast like didn’t leave the stagedoor they just stood there and chatted. Troy had his Chi Running book [I will forever judge him] BUT he signed my playbill and I almost ruined his picture with Nancy. I got a picture with Danny Burnstein it stoked me out. Haha I love Danny Burnstein. Nancy and I really, really wanted to talk to Stacia so we tried calling out her name. BUT we got too scared and kind of gave up SO we had to go to the train station.
The train ride home was so fun. Nancy and I talked about our day and then we mouthed along to the words of like 495999 songs. And we sang I Speak 6 Languages with a lisp. And we sang along to Lone Star Love a lot that was great. CATTLEMANNN. Nancy is the greatest and I love her. The end.
i will try my hardest for these to be in order of when they happened
that was in jamba juice.. it was a snakes alive bus and Beth says sakes alive and for the longest time Nancy and i thought she said snakes alive.
at Bway on Bway. this is probably one of my favorite pictures ever. i swear i love it. haha I love nancy.
again Bway on Bway. my dad being a loser.
nancy and i littered...sorry ozone layer
HAAAA Hunter Foster and Jen Cody being stopped by the police guy
Ugly Betty REALLY thrilled nancy and I.
me and Nora at the stagedoor. there are a lot of these haha
HEY BOB MARTIN [and alyse's mom AHAHAHHA] you're amazing Bob for real.
hii me talkign to beth leavel and her thinking im mentally insane.
my favorite picture.. ever.
another picture that i REALLY enjoy. a lot.
right before the show and nora left. I REALLY love this picture.
Laney you look gross stop.
us talking to beth. hey beth whats up!
"what honey?"
thank you LIFE for this picture.
OKAY i am in MAD love with this picture. 1. my face 2. nancys face. 3 alexi like on the floor and 4. beths smile like makes me smile a lot.
we were singing alone. this is the train ride home and i wanted to pull my hair back ahah
still singing
i think we were trying to be cool
i wish i knew. NANCY your face paowns me in this picture
I LOVE thisp icture!
SO I swear Sunday was the best day I’ve ever, ever had. I don’t think anyone who I have just met has ever been so kind to me. Beth Leavel seriously there are like NO words for how much I admire her. I miss her a lot and it’s only been a week since I saw her. I am in the process of writing Beth a letter because I don’t know I really wanted to tell her how much Sunday meant to me but I don’t know what to say so I’m about to give up. I really do wish that like I could be as happy as I was on Sunday. All the time. I have never been that happy or felt that important.and this is so conceited and selfish but I watch the video of her just listening to me ask her if we can get a funny face picture and her face just. shes listening to me and she like cares what im saying and shes so sweet and. urghaskl;g I swear i admire her SO much its insanity. /sappy.
Okay goodness if you read all of that you are my star. That was 7 and half pages. goodnesssss