Nov 05, 2010 20:33


Basic rules post for our HMD Meme.

Our HMD Meme is an opportunity for all players to get feedback on how they play their characters in Aliunde. On the flip side, it give a chance for players to give guidance to others, if need be. Constructive criticism is a good way to see your character from another player's viewpoint. It can also help you play your character better. Remember that this meme is not only for your characters, but is for players as well. By this we mean that you may give feedback on the player in general, as well as their characters.

Here's how our HMD Meme is going to work. There will be two posts-- one for Constructive Criticism (concrit), and one for Praise. To encourage posting in the Criticism Post, we will be locking the Praise Post for 24 hours. Additionally, you will not be able to take part in the Praise post if you did not take part in the Criticism post. Remember that our mods like to troll threads, so we will freeze/screen/delete any in violation of this.

Please use the following guidelines when commenting to either post:

1. Please give constructive criticism. We don't want to see any flames; no one should be putting anyone down. The point is to help people get better, not to make them feel like crap, or make them drop. Anyone in violation of this will have their thread frozen/screened/deleted. If the flaming is severe enough, it can lead up to banning, as this is not something we are lenient on. If you're nice about it, then more than likely people will take you seriously.

2. If you give any criticism, please give a reason as to why you have that particular opinion. Then, try to give them some advice on how they can fix it. Just saying “muse x is too wishy-washy” isn’t helping the player at all. Explain why you think so.

3. The Praise Post is where you can let people know they're doing a good job with their character(s). As with the Criticism Post, give a reason as to why you think so. It's a great boost to players if you do.

4. Anon will not be turned on. This gets abused more often than not, so we decided to just not allow it. If after a few of these, everyone is doing well, we might decide to turn this option on.

5. Linking to the journal isn’t allowed. Yet. To enable us to be able to watch everyone’s comments, and make players feel safer, we are not allowing this. Like the anon option, we will potentially allow this option after a few HMDs.

6. Try not to leave anyone hanging. If you see that no one got any crit about their character, and you know their canon, try and give something. Sometimes even the smallest of crits or actual praises make all the difference

If there are any questions or comments, please contact us at

hmd guidelines

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