Jun 28, 2012 06:07

[There's a flicker and the video starts. Greed's behind the counter of the 'Nest and the camera is set on what appears to be a pool table. It's midday, so the joint is empty.]

[He's all smiles, hands placed atop of his bar.] It's that day, folks. Maybe some of you know, maybe some of you don't. But I promised to deliver and I don't count myself a ( Read more... )


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trickster_mk2 June 28 2012, 20:53:07 UTC
[Video / Action]

[Gabriel is glaring. Because, shit. He's seen stuff, shit, he's ripped people apart with his bare bear claws on occasion, but nothing like that, nothing like that is watching his friend, someone he considers his friend, blow out his brains. It makes Gabriel feel sick to his stomach and he's unable to feel anything but disgusted that he summoned up that shot-gun. He might have been bound into an agreement but he might as easily summoned up a broken one, or something.

He's watched in horror as the body slumped down, and then with horrible fascination as the bits re-formed, his face twisting and then a relief floods him that he can't explain.

He doesn't even bother to snap, appearing at the door of the Devil's Nest quivering with rage. Well, rage and hurt and fear and relief and all of it... unable to find a way of getting out. There's nothing he can say, not for a second, but once he's actually seen Greed, seen him with his own eyes and not through a damn tiny screen, he feels... better.]Shit, if you'd told me you ( ... )


nestingdevil June 28 2012, 21:36:34 UTC
➥ Action |
[Honestly, Greed isn't surprised when he feels that pulse of energy and Gabriel is standing right there. The angel looks worse for wear and the homunculus frowns. Gabriel's all a quiver, but he really can't imagine why. He explained before, didn't he? Not human - artificial. A fake, a replica, a thing - Greed sighs, shoulders sag. Usually, the shock wears off and there's pure amazement, questions, etc. Gabriel just looks pissed.]

[He slides from his perch at the prep-counter, turns and grabs three bottles of liquor. They're shoved between his fingers. Unfortunately, he hasn't yet had the time to clean up properly. A few specks of blood still remain, but he'll take care of those after he knows his partner from Heaven Above is taken care of ( ... )


trickster_mk2 June 28 2012, 21:51:40 UTC
[Gabriel melts a little at least, calming slowly, but surely, as he steps closer, towards the bar. He doesn't make a move to sit, but stands, leaning against it and watching Greed move with minute attention. Everything moving as it should? Not jerks or shudders, no wires crossed, no important synapses missing? Not by the looks of it. That smooths down a few more ruffled feathers and Gabriel allows his lips to turn upwards. He's grateful for the drinks, really.

He reaches forward, for the vodka first, swallowing it down. I makes his insides ache. But it's better than the ache in his Grace, the fear of loss.]

I know what you told me. And like I said, two hundred years is nothing. There are trees older than that around. I just... it's hard to watch a friend do that, even if your pretty sure he'll be back. Homunculus or not, all the stuff splattering against that wall looked real enough to me.

[Gabriel downs the rest, and sets the glass down, shaking his head. Mostly at himself. Should have trusted Greed and what he said, after all, ( ... )


nestingdevil June 28 2012, 22:10:58 UTC
[Greed's thankful for the change in attitude. After all, it would have been a real bummer to be killed off indiscriminately just because he paid his dues. The cracked smile comes back, teeth all out. He laughs because there is nothing to do but laugh. Of course, he should have expected worry - everyone else seems to be in the same boat.] I get it - I'm a speck on your radar. [Though that comment about friends - Greed doesn't show it, but he damn well feels it. After all, all he ever wanted was - ]

Eh? You haven't seen the rest, so don't go rubbing my ego. Though, I might not be too fond of showing you that part. When it comes, anyway. Makes me look really ugly. [Vain? You bet. But Greed lets everything wash over him. He grabs at his own scotch, forgetting that Gabriel's got a thing against it, and begins sucking it down.] Glad you aren't here to drag me back to Hell. Least, that's where I believe I'd go if I came from your world.

[He settles the glass down behind him and stretches. Rubs the kinks in his neck and the bands on his ( ... )


trickster_mk2 June 28 2012, 22:30:16 UTC
[Heh, it's not that at all. No such thing as a speck on Gabriel's radar when it comes to Aliunde, everyone is worth keeping at eye on, if he can. But he doesn't smite, not anyone, never has. Things deserve to die, to be wiped off the face of the planet, but to destroy something so completely? That's a little too much power. And shit, humans are still talking about the last couple of towns he took out. Not again. But no need to bring that up.]

Ugly? Well you can keep it away from me then. I'm as shallow as they come, I only like you when you're easy on the eyes. [There you go, he's reaching forward, patting Greed on the cheek. It's to tease, but also, well, to satisfy himself that Greed is real, feels real. Is really okay.]Hell'd probably spit you back out. My brother isn't so keen on competition, and besides, you'd probably be mistaken for staff. Being a sin and all. They'd kick you back up here and make you work for them for all of time. And frankly, I don't think you'd like that fate any more than a human wants to roast over ( ... )


nestingdevil June 28 2012, 22:45:19 UTC
[Greed likes the touch on his cheek, even if it is out of place. Creature of habit, this one. He pushes himself against it, smile spreading. Then the hand is gone and the homunculus pushes his fingers up to his face, adjusting his shades right.] I don't work for anyone. Where would my ambition be if ruled by someone else? Ha-! That's what got Daddy sir into trouble. [He props his elbows on the bar and stretches his legs back. Leaning is much more comfortable and with the hostility gone, Greed feels at ease. Like he doesn't have to worry about his possession.]

[He cants a brow, cocks a shoulder.] Not a sulfur pit, but lava - I've done that. Fun ride that was. [He bends at the hip, licks his lower lip clean of booze.] Besides - if your brother is such a hardass, I'd rather spend my days with you. Least you're a good time.

[The comment about him dying .. it causes his teeth to set. And for a second, for the briefest of moments, Greed actually looks angry. His teeth grind and his brows fall behind his sunglasses. His fingers roll ( ... )


trickster_mk2 June 28 2012, 23:00:48 UTC
[Greed is just like those cat's he'd let move into his apartment, even if Gabriel isn't going to say it out-loud. And he could pet Greed all afternoon, if he wanted, but that's probably not going to be an option, and what a damn shame that is. He smiles when Greed speaks though, because Luci might just struggle getting Greed to do what he wanted him to. He didn't seem to good at keeping his current work force on track as it was.] That's true. You do all your finest work when collect things just for you.

[ Luci isn't a hard-ass, no way, but he's not exactly a big ball of laughs, not any more, and while Gabriel likes that compliment, because hells yeah, Gabriel is a good time and anyone who says different is either Dean Winchester or an idiot. Or both. But the thoughts on his brother and all this talk of his last memories of home make him reach for his chest, for the place his own freaking Dad-damn sword sank into him, and he scratches at the fabric covering the spot with some irritation. He can still feel it, if he stops for a moment ( ... )


nestingdevil June 28 2012, 23:27:20 UTC
[For a while, Greed keeps his mouth shut. He watches Gabriel; he notes the look on his face, the wash of memories flooding the angel's eyes, and the touch at his chest. It's troublesome, really, to think someone actually killed an angel. Whatever world Gabriel was from, Greed wasn't sure if he'd like it. He probably would, weighing his options out, but not everyone would probably be as unbiased at the Arch-Angel before him.] I told you before - you're mine. [And he's already had his subordinates wiped out before. It doesn't make him too happy.]

Whatever is mine, I keep. And since you don't seem to have any qualms, I'll keep you too. [He pushes a finger against his chest, right where Gabriel had been toying before. Tilts his head forward to let him have a glance at his eyes. He locks a look with Gabriel - it's dangerous, but sincere; jovial, yet completely serious.] You'd think you'd have worshipers at your feet, being one of God and all. No one pays you much mind back home? Tsk - they don't know what they're missing. [But he knew ( ... )


trickster_mk2 June 28 2012, 23:50:10 UTC
[Gabriel pauses, looking down at the finger poking his chest with quiet surprise, but didn't try and push the touch away. He was just as much a cat as Greed, when it came to it. Besides the touch makes him feel a little better, makes the spot ache less.]

Worshippers? I've had them in my time. Still do, I guess. But for my kind, it's not enough to save you. But... No more of that? [It's not the topic Gabriel wants to discuss. It's all behind him now. Luci, Dad, religious nuts calling for him all the time. No more.

And maybe he's letting himself sink into hedonistic pleasures of the flesh, sex, drink, food. Well, all the things he'd loved before but now lived for. Why deny it when he was in perfect company?

Still, he doesn't have the chance to say exactly what he's after before Greed is pulling away and sinking down. Gabriel's moving to press himself up to his side of the bar and peering over, watching to see what on earth is going on, and grind when the box is pulled out. Presents ( ... )


nestingdevil June 29 2012, 00:05:40 UTC
I don't need to know - don't really give a damn either way. [He gets it and he lets it drop. The information isn't important, anyway. He's a master of the underground intelligence network, sure. But this little secret can stay Gabriel's - it's Greed's way of making some sort of amends, what with the horror show of earlier.]

[Truly, he hadn't expected Gabriel to be so bent out of shape about it. But the storm was over and it was like nothing ever even happened. The angel is at his bar, all smiles and promises. And Greed is relaxed, lounging around like he owns the world. So, everything is right in its place.] I normally don't - so you shouldn't take that for granted, Gabriel. Greedy, remember? [But maybe he's got a favorite. It's hard to decide between possessions, but he'll rank Gabriel up there in the top tier list.] Looks better on you anyway. Just don't go blabbing about it, all right? [All he needs is other people barking at his door for free things. As if.]

[Greed spit-takes at the comment and bends, kicking one heel up.] If ( ... )


trickster_mk2 June 29 2012, 00:29:59 UTC
Not going to tell a soul. Not even my priest [Shit, can you imagine an angel going to confessional?It's a hilarious idea.] You might want it all, everything and everyone, but... Well, I like my best-kept secrets. Can't let everyone know I've got a sugar-daddy, can I?

[Gabriel lets Greed tip his head. Frankly, it's a bit of a thrill being around him, more so than having his own brains blown out anyway. He likes the loss of power, the tingle it sent down his spine and he let his chin go up ( ... )


nestingdevil June 29 2012, 00:55:15 UTC
[Greed's not to sure what a sugar-daddy is, but he can put two and two together. It's funny to him, the idea of being the pleasure-provider for one cut from the holy cloth. It's poetry, in every sense. And if Greed was more of an upstanding sort of 'gent, he probably would have written something about it. But he's not - he's clear as the clothes he wears, the attitude he takes. He's the sin he's named after and he has no qualms with that. Still, there is something beautiful about this whole relationship. Gabriel may think himself lucky to have Greed in his pocket - the homunculus thinks much the same, except reversed. Gabriel is worth every penny, every fuck, every thing he can pour into the angel.]

Our secret then? Fine with me. Wouldn't want to get your brothers in a twist. [Because he remembers Gabriel's warning: some thing named Cas.] Guess I won't be popping by your place to meet the family then? [Oh sure, that'd go over nicely. Hello boys and girls - just got back from work. Oh yeah, this is my boss. Oh right - he's sin ( ... )


trickster_mk2 June 29 2012, 01:24:20 UTC
[Gabriel doesn't get very many secrets, not nowadays anyway, and the ones he thinks he's keeping everyone already seems to know. Not that he cares. This secret is probably going to end up just as badly kept, but... he'll enjoy it while he can. And yeah, going back to the Winchester place? Not likely to happen. Not with Dean and Castiel alive and kicking, not with Alice and Darcy there. Not when this is just... this, want and hunger and all those other wicked things. Gabriel doesn't want to imagine what'll happen if Dean finds out he brought a mortal sin home just so they could fuck on the balcony. Hells, he doesn't want to imagine what Cas will think...

...That's a total lie, he'd love to mess them about like that.]

Hmmm, no. I don't think so. Not even for Hannukah. Unless they're all asleep and I can sneak you in. [And with that, Gabriel bites, gently, at Greed's ear, tugging slightly, before resumung his work at the creature's neck ( ... )


nestingdevil June 29 2012, 01:45:19 UTC
Ha - ! Maybe we'll risk it. [But that's all he manages - Gabriel's on him fierce and it's almost like Greed can feel that thirst. Hell, he knows the feeling. Kind of had an empty pit in him since he was created all that time ago. A blink of an eye for Gabriel, of course. But it's been so long and he's always craved abundance. He lets his neck fall, giving flesh all for his angel to nip at. He can feel the sparks mending even as new wounds crack at the surface. It's smell is that of iron, carbon, sulfur, and just plain sweat.]

[Greed tightens his grip in that hair and laughter pours from him. It slithers past his lips.] Got a taste for that, huh? [He understands getting drunk off power - he knows no other way to live and he's quite happy to see Gabriel's got the spark in him too. Hell, he's more than happy.] Get over here - take what you need. It's yours, right? [He lets that slip, but he's quick to recover. Because, let's face it, it's a rush to have part of himself back. That energy, his stone vibrating through him as Gabriel chows ( ... )


trickster_mk2 June 29 2012, 02:05:57 UTC
[Gabriel hears the slip, grins against Greed's flesh and licks, a gentle, almost tender motion in comparision to those bites, leaving those cracks and red sparks peppering over Greed's throat. Gabriel doesn't care, Greed's already shown how easily he heals, and this is nothing. Maybe the other is right though, maybe Gabriel does have a taste for it. He sinks his teeth in again, this time at Greed's jaw, scraping over bone so close to the surface.]

Not just what I need. What you need to, hn? [He doesn't need to breath, but he pulls away to see the mess he's made, his handiwork, and it's not bad. Not bad at all, and as he leans in to make more, his hand slides down, trailing over those pectorials, and then over ribs, and then over the flat of Greed's stomach. He likes this too, the ghost of a touch, a caress really, mapping out the rest of Greed's form on a very direct route down to his trousers, hovering there a moment, fingers forcing their way under cloth and scratching at Greed's hip, blunt nails leaving red sore trails ( ... )


nestingdevil June 29 2012, 02:29:55 UTC
Always what I need. Do I need to spell it out for you? Always wanting, always craving, always needing - it never stops. [He rolls Gabriel's hair in his hand, retracting and expanding his fingertips. Gabriel's soft in comparison to him - smooth skin, soft hair, gentle despite what he is and what he can do. Greed? He's all points and jagged hardness. From the tips of his hair to the curves of his boots. He likes his counterpart, appreciates the opposites that stare him right in the face, that run through his fingers ( ... )


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