kjsgxcfsajkdf this is so efed up ::sigh:: i seriously wanna cry so hard right now..ugh my mom and my brotehr just got in the biggest fight...my brotehrs leaving and he said he doesnt ever wanna see my mom again...nobody will kno what this is going to do 2 me...im really close to my brother and hes always been there for me...gawd im starting to cry
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Right now im bored siting here online talking to people...i just finished watching Clueless...such an awesom movie. Last night i went to the Homecoming game it was kinda fun. James Sanderson is so hott! After that i went to Gens house and hung out. We woke up early this morning cuz i had an early game and she came w/me. We lost the first tournament
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In biology it was so great. Yetserday Audrey was so amused by asking Ghazalli if she had an ftj account and she kept laughing. Today she asked her if shes been to mardigra and if she had mardigra beads and ghazalli said her daughter did. Then some funny/lame jokes were told
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hmm yah s im @ Elises right now and shes in the shower so im on her comp...im online talking to Janell and she IMed me which was wierd cuz she usually doesnt. Her IMing me made think back to 7th grade. We had the best friendship. No matter what...online wed always IM eachother but no1 would IM the other more than the other ya kno? Its like ever
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Omg i have eaten so much frikkin candy 2day. It started out w/a snicker then...mr. good bar, 2-3 lolipops, nerds jolly ranchers, sweet tarts, twix, tootsie rolls...aghh i have a tummy ache...sum1 take this candy away from me
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ugh. ksjdfhksd I just got home from my game we lost =( that makes me so mad cuz we lost in the last frikkin 5 minutes. The ref was so gay on the sidelines he called everything on us and nuthin on them i got knocked down like 5 times. I was so close to scoring but noooo!!!
I just got home from the movies about a half hour ago. It was alrite I went w/Alex and we walked to Guitar Center. We got back to the theatre at about 9 and decided to watch Scary Movies 3 at the beggining it was funny but then it got stupid and boring and nuthin was funny nemore. Then there was this gurl next to me who had the most annoying laugh
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Today was so frikkin cold! My day was alrite o period finished watching a movie 1st copied my math from Chasen cuz i dont understand ne of it 2nd went to Spanish which i am beggining to hate cuz stupid ben falls sits behind me on purpose...why would u sit behind sumone when u kno they hate u?! I even told my stupid teacher i cant stdn him and he
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all i keep thinking about is friday...what i did..i told someone sumthin i shouldnt have told. The person found out and got mad. It wasnt ne of my business to be saying nething but its not like i just flat out said it. The person i told kept asking me to tell them and i said no i cant and they kept saying "there one of my best friends theyll tell
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