Love pull your sore ribs in - Bella/Jacob big bang artwork

Jan 27, 2010 12:49

My contribution to bellaxjacob_bb for an amazing story by the fantastic bluesuzanne ,

Love pull your sore ribs in.
When, in the depths of despair and confusion, Bella suggests to Jacob that they run away, just the two of them, he says he can’t, right? Wrong. In this story, he manages, just barely, to flout the injunction, and the two of them set off, right then and there, in the middle of the night, for parts unknown.

There are secrets between them, things they’re both trying to bury with every passing mile, there are milestones, there are memories, there are things they would never say to each other, things they would never do, things they might never have done, if they hadn’t been alone, together, and on the run.

I've made a combination of banners and wallpapers inspired by the story, plus a small batch of related icons
Clickity click until you have full size, and feel free to ask for alternate size wallpapers and banners

also available for easy browsing in my photobucket account:

(and with excerpt from story)





wallpapers, icons, twilight, headers, jacob/bella

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